NEW: 100K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, F2F, Cash, Macau - Look For Buyer
(Seller: RB...CE)
Post: 20.9.2019
A Seller is selling 100,000 BTC with R/E at -4% gross, -2% net
Buyer side = 1%
Seller side = 1%
Transaction in Macau, China
Agreed that the buyer will only buy hot bitcoins from live cryptocurrency wallet of the seller.
a. Buyer will provide proof of funds. POF may be in the form of video or photo of SunCity junket account in Macau. Buyer and seller will verify the said POF.
b. Seller validation of the funds is positive, will send 1,000 BTC as first tranche to buyer’s wallet.
c. If Seller validation of the funds is positive, seller will prepare the coins. Then, transfer the HOT BTC from his live wallet to the buyer. The BTC transferred to the Buyer’s wallet shall be 1020 BTC (1000 BTCs plus the 2% of 1000 BTC worth of Buyer’s discount). Seller will not get the funds from Sun City Junket unless the buyer will satisfactorily confirm that the coins are successfully transferred to their wallet.
d. Seller will release commissions of the gross sales indicated above to official agents in BTC according to IMFPA.
e. Buyer shall transfer the funds as much as the 1,000 BTC amount according to the reference price immediately. Both parties will respect each other and act with good faith in this agreement.
f. Both parties agree to proceed with the second tranche which shall be implemented after the successful implementation of the first tranche of 1000 BTCs.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -3% gross, -2% net, F2F, Dubai - Look For Buyers
(Seller : RJ CF)
Post: 18.9.2019
Seller has 100K BTC offer for cash in Dubai at -3% gross, -2% net -1% commissions
Buyer side 0.5%
Seller side 0.5%
Price Index www.blockchain.com
Quantity - up to 100K
Minimum total purchase size- 500 btc -
1. Conference between buyer and seller. Or
Buyer provides KYC- Name/Location/Nationality/Volume of btc and Expected Closure date
2. Meet in Dubai.
3. Buyer Meet in Sellers office in Dubai with cash then Btc is transferred to Buyer's wallet immediately. -
Transaction type preferred: Cash per tranche or Wire transfer.
Detailed Procedure (s): Above procedures
Bank / Currency: USD/Dirhams
Minimum total purchase size: 500btc
Basic KYC: Name, Location, Nationality or International Passport
POF required: Can be shown on the meeting or present with cash for the tranche.
Settlement location: Seller's office unless otherwise agreed by seller.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, Escrow - Look For Buyers
(Seller : RB CA)
Post: 13.9.2019
I am direct to seller mandate
I have a vetted seller looking to sell 10K BTC and 50K BTC respectively
10K BTC: -5% gross, -2% net
50K BTC: -6% gross, -3% net
Fiat moves first into escrow! Then verify the coins and do forensics. coins get moved funds release. Repeat every day!
1. LOI
2. Execute SPA & Escrow Agreement (Your buyer can choose ANY, escrow but know it will be a joint account with our procedures!)
3. Fund the approved joint escrow account
4. Deliver Bitcoins! Repeat every day!
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500 BTC -100K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, F2F, B2B, Dubai - Look For Buyers
(Seller : RK CT)
Post: 13.9.2019
A new Dubai seller is looking for buyers at F2F, B2B in Dubai
1. Cash: -3% gross. -1% net
2. Manager Cheque: -5% gross, -2% net
Can be with cash or manager cheque
Minimum 500 BTC max 100K R&E In VIP room of Commercial Bank of Dubai Discounts.
Gross in cash -3
Gross in Manager cheque -5
1. Buyer say amount to buy (500 btc or more)
2. Buyer ask a Manager cheque in his bank for desired amount
3. Buyer send photo of cheque to agent/mandate
4. Seller check photo
5. Meet it’s scheduled in bank
6. Meet in commercial bank with seller’s bank officer and buyer
7. Buyer delivery cheque to bank officer
8. Bank officer verify cheque
9. Bank officer inform seller about of cheque presented
10. Seller send coins
11. When the coins arrive, money it’s delivered to seller
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, HSBC, Barclay London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AG....KE)
Post: 13.9.2019
A new seller has 200K Bitcoin for sale at -4% gross, -2% net
Sell in London at HSBC or Barclay
1. Buyer and Seller signs and execute the agreement with full KYC.
2. Buyer provides proof of fund via a statement of account no older than 3 banking days.
3. Seller provides proof of coin via wallet screenshot showing availabilities of the coin.
4. Both parties meet at seller appointed office within EUROPE.
5. Buyer and Seller exchange POF and POC during the face to face tabletop meeting.
6. Buyer within 24 hours credit fund via wire transfer to seller nominated account during the face to face meeting.
7. Seller same day upon fund confirmation credit buyer wallet address with coin equivalent to the amount deposit by the buyer.
8. Both parties validate the coin and payment is released to consultant-brokers.
9. Both parties depart to their various countries of origin
10. Next tranche continues remotely as both parties may decide.​
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K-100K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, F2F, B2B, Dubai - Look For Buyers
(Seller : RD CD)
Post: 11.9.2019
A new Dubai seller is looking for buyers, F2F, B2B in Dubai
1. 100k BTC @ -4%gross,-2% net
2. 50k BTC @ -3%gross,-1% net
Procedures to be discussed
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, F2F, Valens Bank, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AP... KL)
Post: 10.9.2019
I have a seller selling 100K+ BTC at -2% gross, -1% net at Valens Private investment bank (LONDON).
Face to face or Remote (payment sent first before are sent)
Buyer must pay in EUROS.
Buyer sends CIS and POF.
Seller will then send SPA and satoshi.
Tranches of minimum 1K daily.
ASAP if you are a real BUYER.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
“Behind every sucessful person lies a pack of Haters! I love my haters!”Gloria Tesch
NEW: 300K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, F2F, TTM, Emirates NDB, Dubai - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AF KA)
Post: 9.9.2019
New seller is looking for bitcoin buyer in Dubai who is interested to tranche via manager cheque or cash 300k bitcoin @ -5% for manager cheque payment or @-4% for cash payment
TTM is inside Emirates NDB or Commercial bank VIP room in Dubai
Option A : manager cheque or cash 300k bitcoin @ -5% gross, -2% net
Buyer mandate = 1%
Seller mandate = 1%​
Intermediaries =1% (buyer intermediary 0.5% + seller intermediary 0.5%)
Option B : Cash payment 300k bitcoin @ -4% gross, -2% net
Buyer side = 1%
Seller side = 1%​
Buyer meets seller bank officer in the bank ( Emirates NDB or Commercial bank), in VIP bank room
Seller show POC
Buyer show POF
Seller transfer coins to buyer wallet
Buyer make payment via manager cheque or cash
Manager cheque from any Dubai bank is acceptable for payment
After confirmation from buyer bank, seller has capacity to pay for coins
With seller bank, buyer ought to come with his bank manager cheque to do payment
Immediately, Buyer receives coin into his wallet from seller
Minimum tranche is 500 bitcoin per day, that is the bank's rule
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 30K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, Signature Bank - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AN KN)
Post: 8.9.2019
I’m direct to seller rep who is direct to Seller mandate
It is a verified seller for 30K BTC, -3% gross, -1% net via Signature Bank.
Discount depending on the amount purchased
Standard procedure at Signature Bank.
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.​
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, F2F, TTM, HK - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AD KD)
Post: 7.9.19
200k BTC @ -5%, -2%, -3% brokers
I am direct to rep who is direct to Mandate & Seller.
1 % seller side = closed
1 % intermediary side = closed
1 % buyer side = Ray + Rep + Mandate = 3
1. LOI
2. Draft contract & procedures
4. Signing of agreed contract & procedures, IMFPA/NCNDA.
5. Proof of Funds & Proofs of Coins
6. Schedule of flights to HK
7. Do test tranche/payable by buyer
8. After coins forensic by buyer full implementation of seller.
9. All transferred coins in every tranche shall be payable after the successful transfer by bank officer.
10. And so on till agreed purchase contract of coins has delivered.
11. After completion Buyer/Seller exit room & part their ways.
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, Kingdom Trust - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AS KS)
Post: 6.9.2019
Kingdom Trust seller is looking for buyer for 100K BTC + R&E at -3%, -1% net
I am direct to intermediary who is direct to Seller mandate.
1. Mandate to Mandate call
NEW: 100K BTC @ -6% gross, -4% net, F2F, TTM, Dubai - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AD KD)
Post: 5.9.2019
I am direct to seller rep who is direct to seller mandate
I have 100K BTC European Seller for face to face in Dubai. -6% gross, -4% net, -2% brokers
1. Buyer and Seller signs and execute the agreement with full KYC.
2. Buyer provides proof of fund via a statement of account no older than 3 banking days.
3. Both parties meet at seller appointed place in Dubai.
4.Buyer and Seller exchange POF and POC during the face to face tabletop meeting.
5.Buyer credit fund -via wire transfer to seller nominated account during the face to face meeting.
6.Seller credit buyer wallet address with coin equivalence lent to the amount deposit by the buyer.
9.Both parties validate the coin and payment is released to consultant-brokers.
10.Both parties depart to their various countries of origin
11.Next tranche continues remotely as both parties may decide.
12.The party that fails to perform within the given time will pay a penalty of $2M
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, KYC, Switzerland - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AO....KL)
Post: 3 9.2019
New seller from Swiss wants to sell 100K BTC at -4% gross, -2% net
We need a buyer with KYC compliance (passport of buyer).
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, F2F, Dubai - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AJ.... KN)
Post: 1.9.2019
I have BTC Seller for face to face/bank to bank transaction in Dubai.
After signing all documents
1. Buyer and exchanger will meet in a hotel in dubai.
2. Exchanger count and verify the money
2. Seller sends btc
3. Buyer receives coins
4. Exchanger gets the money and send it to the seller's account
* we can start small at 3k btc, we can even perform saturdays
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, F2F, Signature Bank, New York - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AF KA)
Post: 1.9.2019
A new seller has 300K BTC via Signature Bank
F2F, Bank2Bank, -6% gross, -3% net, -3% commission
Standard procedures with Signature Bank
Looking for buyer who can meet seller in Signature Bank, New York
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, B2B - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AL...KN)
Post: 1.9.2019
A new Seller has over 100K+ BTC, at -5% gross, -2% net, -3% brokers
1.5% buyer side
1.5% seller side
Its a bank to bank (MT103/72)
Standard procedures
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Bank, USA - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AM...KN)
Post: 28.8.2019
A new US Seller has 100K BTC, at -5% gross, -2% net
Bank-to-bank transaction and executed on a Swift basis
The funds are good, clean cleared,
The Bank of the EUR-provider issues SWIFT MT199 POF and VERBIAJE form SWIFT MT103/72, to the Bank of BTC-provider
After the final approval of the VERBIAJE SWIFT MT103/72 form, the BTC-provider sends a TEST MICRO TRANSACTION OF SATOSHI to establish a connection between the wallets of the BTC-provider and the EUR-provider.
EUR-provider checks the legitimacy of the wallets.
After checking the bitcoin wallets, Bank of EUR-provider issues OPERATIONAL form SWIFT MT103/72 in the amount of weekly delivery €XXXXX to the details specified in clause 2.2.1 of this agreement.
Bank of BTC-provider together with Bank of EUR-provider conducts verification and authentication of SWIFT MT103/72.
BTC-provider transfers bitcoins in tranches from its wallet to the wallet specified by the EUR-provider.
The EUR-provider for each tranche of bitcoins makes payment in EUR to the BTC-provider by SWIFT MT103/72. The final price of bitcoins is determined by the exchange rate on the day of sending bitcoins. The EUR-provider pays 100% EUR for 102% of the received BTC to the following bank details of the BTC-provider:
After receiving the Euro for the transferred BITCOINS, the BTC-Provider pays a commission of 3% to the BTC-paymaster).
Further tranches are processed according to the tranche schedule “A”, (with clauses from item 2.2.4. to item 2.2.8. of the Transaction Procedure), until the total volume of the contract is reached.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K to 1,000,000 BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Escrow, New York - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AD KL)
Post: 27.8.2019
A new seller based in NY has 300K TO 1,000,000 BTC, -5% gross, -2% net
-3% brokers, 1.5% buyer side, 1.5% seller side
Seller side = 3 people including Mandate
Buyer side = open
1. Buyer writes LOI, SPA, Escrow agreement to seller agent. (LOI should include purchase amount, purchase schedule, buyer KYC)
2. Seller agent forwards the received LOI, SPA, Escrow agreement to Seller.
3. Seller checks the data received from Buyer and sends the document confirming the data if there is no additional request and provides the buyer with the desired information.
4. The actual amount, rate, location, time, and schedule of the transaction will be discussed between the legal representatives of both parties, and the arrangements should be prepared in the form of documents signed by both parties. - List the commissions of participating brokers and legal representatives in the above documents. - Penalty ($ ) will be charged if the terms of the transaction are insufficient for one reason.  Satoshi and the proof of funding will be disclosed after completion of the penalty agreement with the signatures of both parties. Seller's BTC can secure and disclose Buyer's liquid cash in an escrow account.
$10,000,000 penalty for 1 million BTC.
5. Please follow these instructions. It can be changed flexibly when there is no problem with the buyer's LOI, KYC, Escrow agreement.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Escrow, South Korea - Look For Buyer
(Buyer: AD KL)
Post: 27.8.2019
I have a ready seller in South Korea for 300K BTC, -5% gross, -2% net,
-3% brokers, 1.5% buyer side, 1.5% seller side
Seller side = 3 people including Mandate
Buyer side = open
1. Buyer writes LOI, SPA, Escrow agreement to seller agent. (LOI should include purchase amount, purchase schedule, buyer KYC)
2. Seller agent forwards the received LOI, SPA, Escrow agreement to Seller.
3. Seller checks the data received from Buyer and sends the document confirming the data if there is no additional request and provides the buyer with the desired information.
4. The actual amount, rate, location, time, and schedule of the transaction will be discussed between the legal representatives of both parties, and the arrangements should be prepared in the form of documents signed by both parties. - List the commissions of participating brokers and legal representatives in the above documents. - Penalty ($ ) will be charged if the terms of the transaction are insufficient for one reason.  Satoshi and the proof of funding will be disclosed after completion of the penalty agreement with the signatures of both parties. Seller's BTC can secure and disclose Buyer's liquid cash in an escrow account.
$10,000,000 penalty for 1 million BTC.
5. Please follow these instructions. It can be changed flexibly when there is no problem with the buyer's LOI, KYC, Escrow agreement.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 80K BTC @ -7% gross, -3% net, F2F, Dubai - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AF KP)
Post: 21.8.2019
I have BTC Seller for face to face/bank to bank transaction in Dubai.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K+ BTC @ -4% gross, -1% net, Bank, USA - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AW KS)
Post: 21.8.2019
A new US Seller has 50K BTC, at -4% gross, -1% net
1) Buyer provides CIS and POF
2) Seller will send satoshi to verify coins
3) Contract and IMFPA is signed.
4) CIS/KYC exchanged for buyer and seller.
5) BTC for the agreed amount of trancheis transferred to an unused wallet.
6) Buyer provides MT 103/72 SWIFT CONFIRMATION RECEIPT certified by bank
7)Seller will verify MT 103/72 officialy bank to bank.This is MUST.
8)Upon successful verification btc will be released to buyers wallet.
9)Buyer must then release funds to seller instantly.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
NEW: 50K+ BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, Escrow, Lawyer, USA - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AS KS)
Post: 21.8.2019
Seller has 50K+ BTC with rolls and extensions. Seller is a lawyer in USA
Buyer can choose his own law firm Escrow
The Law firm will attest to the money being in the Escrow account
Lawyer will send the Seller a copy of the wire confirmation of the money in the account.
Once coins are sent first and confirmed, money is released from the Escrow.
Both lawyer and Buyer will need to pass KYC/AML checks.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
NEW: 10000+ BTC @ -3% gross, 0% net, Swiss Attorney Escrow, Switzerland - Look For Buyer
Post: 19.8.2019
I am direct to seller mandate
New seller has 10000+ BTC at -3% gross, 0% net. They can deliver regular quantities over time (it’s a mining pool)
Exchange Buyer’s CIS with Escrow Attorney for DD.
Terms sheet to be negotiated and decided between buyer and seller direct signatory.
Once terms are agreed then Letter of Undertaking by Attorney will be issued which constitute the complete terms agreement.
Attestation Letter will be issued by Attorney.
Only Attorney Account will be used and is totally insured Account.
Start with 5 BTC purchase for which Attorney will use his small account and other account for big tranches.
5 BTC funds transacted and confirmed by Attorney then seller has to send coins in one hour and 5 coins will leave from 10K btc wallet.
Then main tranches will be followed and prices will-be locked once payment is confirmed / reflected into escrow Attorney Account.
Same procedures to follow and after every tranche payment confirmation the coins will be delivered in one hour.
Funds of buyer will only leave Attorney Account once buyer confirms the receipt of coins on his blockchain wallet and will be witnessed live by escrow attorney.
Immediately with each tranche transaction the commissions for mediators will be commissioned in bitcoins simultaneously.
If any change in bank account is required then should be informed before 5 banking days.
There will be Non Performance Penalty of 0.5% value of that particular day’s transaction.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -9% gross, -6% net, Major Banks Worldwide - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AR KH)
Post: 19.8.2019
I am direct to rep who is direct to Seller Mandate
A new Seller is selling 200K BTC through Seller's banks worldwide
Special deal for legit buyers till end of the month or first week of September.
Discount: -9% gross, -6% discount to the buyer, -3% brokers. They’re offering -9/-6. Until 9/6/19
Can get coin with any of the following:
1. Bank Draft
3. BG
4. MT103/72
Once authenticated, btc delivered in 10 days. -
Deal uses Seller's banks connected to many Banks world wide. Seller has a main bank in Australia ie Westpac Bank
Bank Officer holds the bank draft or the SBLC ( Standby Letter of Credit ). A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC / SLOC) is a guarantee that is made by a bank on behalf of a client, which ensures payment will be made even if their client cannot fulfil the payment.
After buyers confirm they have received the BTC, the funds will then be released to the seller.
We just need Buyers Bank Officers Business Card. If the buyers qualify, buyers can purchase a true COINS FIRST (Coins move first without money in escrow or SBLC in place).
If buyers don’t qualify, a bank draft or SBLC will be requested
​My direct seller rep has received the SPA for this deal.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K+ BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, F2F, Valens Bank, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AP... KL)
Post: 15.8.2019
A new seller is selling 100K+ BTC at Valens Private investment bank (LONDON).
Discount: 2/1, -2% gross, -1% discount to the buyer, -1% brokers
Tranches of minimum 5K daily.
Face to face
Buyer sends CIS and POF.
Seller will then send SPA and satoshi.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 10K+ BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, a Bank in Denmark - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AL...KN)
Date: 13.8.2019
I am direct to a rep who is a close friend to a bank owner. The bank just onboarded a seller.
Looking for a buyer that would like to purchase coins in a safe / secure environment (under the banks protection)
1. Buyer willing to onboard a Danish bank
2. Contracts signed
3. Bank blocks buyers funds
4. Coins are sent to buyers wallet
5. Funds are unblocked / sent to sellers account within the bank. -
This transaction is simple, safe, and real.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100 BTC Per Day @ +14% gross, +8% net, Cash, Barcelona, Spain - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AL KJ)
Post: 12.8.2019
We have a new Spainish seller for 100 BTC per day at +14% gross, +8% net, 6% brokers.
BTC seller has confirmed willingness to provide proof of coin (POC) after receiving LOI from Buyer.
BTC Sell Offer - for Cash
Bitcoin for sale with payment by Buyer in CASH (Euros or USD).
Quantity: First/Trial tranche = 30 BTC
2nd and subsequent tranches = 100 BTC per day MAXIMUM
No limit to number of daily tranches.
Location: Barcelona, Spain (in Seller's office)
Price: Latest Market price (published in bitfinex.com) on closing date
Plus a negotiable PREMIUM
Payment: CASH
1. Buyer rep & Seller rep negotiate and agree on TERMS (Price, Quantity, Location and Procedure).
2. Buyer confirms aceptance of TERMS and readiness to issue LOI.
3. Seller rep provides Seller name for Buyer to issue specific LOI.
4. Buyer issues LOI to Seller reflecting all agreed TERMS (including this Transaction Procedure).
5. Seller accepts Buyer's LOI and Seller signs IMFPA to pay broker commissions.
6. Buyer sends email to Seller advising TIME and DATE of ARRIVAL in Barcelona, Spain,
to execute First/Trial tranche of 30 BTC.
7. Table Top Meeting (TTM) in Barcelona, Spain between Buyer and Seller to close/execute the First/Trial tranche.
At this TTM:
7.1. Buyer puts Cash on table as Proof of Funds (POF).
7.2. Seller shows wallet screenshot as Proof of Coin (POC).
7.3. Seller transfers BTC direct to Buyer's wallet.
7.4. Both parties wait in place till Bitcoin blockchain issues minimum four (4) BTC-transfer confirmations before departure.
7.5. Seller SWIFTs broker commissions to broker-nominated Paymasters.
7.6. Next tranche TTM set up. Repeat Step 7.1 to Step 7.6 till contract completion
Seller checks all currency to ensure legal tender using state-of-the-art Cash-counting machines.
Buyers thinking of paying with counterfeit currency are advised in their own interests to stay away to avoid bad consequences.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 350K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, B2B, Spain - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AC....KS)
Post: 7.8.2019
New seller has 350K BTC, -5% gross, -2% net, 3% commission
1% buyside, 1% sellside,1% management
1) SPA signed from 2 parties
2) MT199 POF & Verbiage MT103 / 72
3) Satoshi sent
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 152K BTC @ 0% gross, +2% net, Escrow, Etana - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AC....KS)
Date: 12.7.2019
New152,000 btc in Etana available right now @ 0% gross, +2% net, 2% commission
Looking for buyer willing onboard Etana
Standard procedures with Etana.
Deal managed and operated by Etana HQ
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, F2F, HK - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AK KT)
Post: 4.8.19
New seller is offering 50K BTC, -4% gross, -2% net, -2% brokers
Initial trade transche 50 BTC
Procedures to be established and agreed with buyer and seller
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.​
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K-350K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, F2F, Monte Carlo, La Condamine, Monaco, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AM KC)
Post: 31.7.19
New seller is offering 350K+ BTC, -5% gross, -2% net, -3% brokers
Seller side = 3 people
Buyer LOI
Require POF, POC, KYC, AML
Seller provides SPA with KYC and public wallet address in SPA
F2F or Escrow through bank in Monte Carlo or La Condamine
Procedures to be established and agreed with buyer and seller
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.​
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 3K to 100K+ BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net, DOA, Bitcoin Miner - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AR... KI)
Post: 28.7.2019
I am direct to Seller Mandate, who is direct to Bitcoin Miner
100K+ BTC, -10% gross, -5% net, 5% brokers
Less than 100K BTC, ie 3K,50K, 70K BTC etc, -8% gross, -5% net, 3% brokers
The reason why seller/miner gives10% discount was because he doesn’t buy bitcoin, he mines bitcoin.
Miner sells at wholesale price -10% gross, -5% net to resellers who sell -3% gross, -1% net
1. Seller agreed to sell BTC, both parties signed DOA/Contract. seller provides proof of coins on a video or Seller provides the sending address from where coins will be send from for buyer to search on Blockchain to see if really seller has what he said.
2. BUYER provides POF to seller and then makes payment to seller's nominated account and seller sends payment confirmation
3. SELLER’s upon confirmation of payment from buyer, seller will immediately send BTC to buyers wallet.
4. On both SELLER and BUYER’s advice of posting status and screen details, BUYER shall verify and authenticate the tranche posting.
3000 BTC minimum first tranche
10,000 BTC second tranche
15,000 BTC third tranche
Every other tranche after that can be decided by buyer
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 60K BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, BitBay - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AJ..KA)
Date: 27.7.2019
Seller: Onboarded in https://bitbay.net
✳ Seller has 60K BTC
✳ BitBay Exchange as Escrow [2nd Largest Crypto-Fiat Exchange in Europe]
✳ Tranches 10-3000 BTC per day -
✳ Zoom Call between Parties/Mandates
✳ Buyer register at exchange, goes through verification (24h), uploads Fiat money to BitBay account
✳ Matching with seller and exchange of goods BTC and Fiat
✳ We can help with on boarding/register the seller [max. 24h] at BitBay here https://auth.bitbay.net/
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, Signature Bank - Look For Buyer
(Seller: AW KM)
Post: 23.7.2019
A new seller has 200K BTC via Signature Bank
Bank2Bank, -4% gross, -2% net, -2% commission
Seller side = 3 people
Seller is onboard with Signature bank
Standard procedures with Signature Bank
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, B2B, F2F, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AS KS)
Post: 21.7.2019
200k BTC at -4% gross, -2% net, -2% brokers. Looking for buyer
Bank2Bank, F2F, HSBC, London,
Buyer LOI
Seller provides SPA with KYC and public wallet address in SPA for forensic
Buyer counter fills/signs -Buyer issues POF (mt199 ideally
Seller is happy to pay for that swift when transacting). If hsbc buyer account, then internal b2b pof -POC Satoshi will be issued once the MT799 Blocked Funds Instrument is Confirmed to Seller’s Bank Officer by Buyer’s Bank Officer.
Buyer issues mt103/72 or 799 or 760 based on whats agreed upon.
Seller sends coins
Buyer releases funds
There is possible a zoom call showing poc and pof before signing the SPA.
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 5K-80K or 250K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, TTM, Cash, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AW KM)
Post: 18.7.2019
New Cash Seller - in London
Volumes from 5000 btc to 80,000 btc AND CAN EXCEED THIS IN CASH FUNDS
TTM in London
Cash is evidenced and counted with the relevant checking machines
Once seller has confirmed that the cash is ok the seller sends the equivalent btc to the buyers designated wallet
The purchaser confirms with his technical team the relevant 6 confirmations when the bitcoin hits the buyer’s wallet
Once purchaser has relevant confirmations the seller takes the cash less the brokers commissions out of the board room
Process is repeated until buyer funds are exhausted on a daily basis….
In certain cases the purchaser is able to assist in the UK system specifically to get cash funds after the transaction into the system (FROM 250K MINIMUM TO NO CAP)
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, B2B, F2F, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AS KS)
Post: 18.7.2019
200k BTC at -4% gross, -2% net, -2% brokers. Looking for buyer
Bank2Bank, F2F, HSBC, London,
UK Minimum contract size and minimum tranche size: 50k BTC contract with 3k tranche
Buyer LOI
Seller provides SPA with KYC and public wallet address in SPA for forensic
Buyer counters fills/signs
Buyer issues POF (Mt199 ideally
Seller is happy to pay for that swift when transacting). If HSBC buyer account, then internal b2b pof
Seller issues POC nominal amount (buyer can chose Satoshi number) from Wallet address that has been provided in Spa
Buyer issues Mt103/72 or 799 or 760 based on what's agreed upon.
Seller sends coins
Buyer releases funds
Possible a zoom call showing POC and POF before signing the SPA.
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 150K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, HSBC - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AS KS)
Post: 18.7.2019
150k BTC at -7% gross, -4% net
Minimum contract size and minimum tranche size: 50k BTC contract with 3k tranche
Ideal case:
Buyer LOI
Seller provides SPA with KYC and public wallet address in SPA for forensic
Buyer counter fills/signs
Buyer issues POF (mt199 ideally
Seller is happy to pay for that swift when transacting). If HSBC buyer account, then internal b2b pof
Seller issues POC nominal amount (buyer can chose Satoshi number) from Wallet address that has been provided in Spa
Buyer issues mt103/72 or 799 or 760 based on whats agreed upon.
Seller sends coins
Buyer releases funds
There is possible a zoom call showing POC and POF before signing the SPA
Note: The Buyer, Seller and Mandates are to be verified by authorised representatives who are responsible for money transmitter or transfer of funds operated by Escrow company, banks or financial institutions during the closing deal process.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
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