NEW: 100K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Look For Buyer
(Seller : E P)
Post: 8.4.2019
The transaction is committed at face-2-face meeting in a bank in Kuala Lumpur. On the meeting Seller opens their wallet and proves control of it. Buyer performs express telegraphic transfer for the corresponding tranche of coins (as agreed), upon receipt of which Seller transfers bitcoins. No advanced submission of documents (KYC, LOI etc.) required to get started.​
Purchase procedure:
1. Buyer and Seller mandates arrange a call and discuss transaction terms and procedure.
2. Seller/Seller Signatory will forward their drafted MOU to the Buyer for confirmation prior to contract. Buyer should review the MOU, insert their details, sign it and send back to Seller.
3. Once the MOU is agreed (needs to be done in 24 hours after submission), the SPA will be provided to the Buyer with agreed terms and conditions. Buyer needs to sign 2 copies and provide one signed copy to the Seller during transaction day face-to-face meeting.
4. Before flying to Kuala Lumpur, Buyer needs to copy the ticket to Seller side as final confirmation of their itinerary. For this trade, maximum 2 (two) people from Buyer side will be allowed.
5. On transaction day, Buyer and Seller will meet inside bank with signed SPA copies and one copy will be provided to Seller. If Investment Agreement is needed, it will be signed only face to face.
6. Seller will show the wallet, will log-in and open it to show the coins and prove he has access to it.
7. Buyer will start transaction by first sending funds (express telegraphic transfer is preferred) from his bank account to the Seller’s OCBC Singapore Bank Account. Once the funds are cleared into Seller’s account, Seller will send the coins.
8. After completion of successful transactions for that particular day, the commissions for both Buyer and Seller side will be transacted by Seller to the allocated paymaster.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -4% gross, -1% net, Escrow, Wilmington Trust - Look For Buyer
(Seller : E P)
Post: 7.4.2019
Seller has 300K btc onboard at Wilmington Trust. -4% gross, -1% net, -3% brokers (-1.5% buyer side, -1.5% seller side)
Seller rep direct to Seller Mandate​
Escrow: Wilmington Trust
KYC: Yes.
LOI: Yes
POF type: Escrow
POC type: Satoshi Test, Wallet A/B
Agreement type: Purchase-Sale agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: nil
The procedure of purchasing bitcoins is based on escrow. Once agreement signed and POF confirmation from reliable escrow received, Seller transfers to Buyer’s wallet BTC tranches as agreed in the purchase contract. Buyer shall pay to Seller via escrow only after each transferred BTC tranche.
1. Buyer’s representative sends LOI.
2. Buyer will receive full agreement or the purchase order from Seller and has five clear international banking days to sign and return agreement in full.
3. Once POF confirmation from reliable escrow received, Seller sends a public key of his wallet that holds 5000 BTC). This Wallet will be used throughout the transaction and on the contract. Also, upon mutual agreement, Satoshi can be sent from the transactional wallet.
4. Upon confirmation of the Escrow deposit Seller will initiate transfer of the corresponding tranche of bitcoins (no less than 5000 BTC) to Buyer’s wallet.
5. Buyer verifies the status of transfer and confirms the receipt of BTC.
6. Full payment for delivered BTC tranche(s) is released to the Seller specified bank account.
7. The process for the next tranches is repeated from Step 4 until the contract is settled in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -2.5% gross, -0.5% net, Bank2Bank, Escrow, Triconvest, UK - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 4.4.2019
The seller manages a mining pool and facilitates bitcoin sale for its miners’ owners. The BTC supply is reliable and steady; BTCs are stored on cold wallets. Advanced Proof of Funds is not required. Proof of Coins is offered in a form of Satoshi test or internal wallets transaction. Procedure is simple and safe, based on SWIFT MT103/72.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 5000 BTC
Amount (max), BTC: 300000 BTC with R&E
Rate: blockchain.com, other markets are possible
Gross : -2.5%
Net : -0.5%
Purchase procedure:
Type: bank2bank, escrow
KYC: Yes
LOI: Yes
POF type: n/a
POC type: Satoshi test
Agreement type: Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: No
Escrow: TRICONVEST Group (only)
The procedure is simple and secure, based on the conditional MT103/72 which is issued by Buyer, but not released to the Seller until the coins reach the Buyer. There are no requirements for blocking funds or providing POF in advance. Proof of Coins is provided right after signing of the contract. Depending on the Buyer’s bank, Seller may set up a trustee account in the bank for Buyer’s convenience (subject to additional commission). Also, an escrow-based procedure is available. In this case the transaction goes through Seller’s nominated escrow TRICONVEST Group (UK based), and the receiving bank is Tabarak Bank, Dubai. (USD, EUR)
Procedure: bank2bank, MT103/72
1. Buyer provides CIS, KYC (passport copy, statutory documents) and LOI, accepting the terms and procedure offered. After that parties may set up a direct seller-2-buyer call.
2. Parties sign the SPA, then Seller sends Satoshi to Buyer Wallet.
3. Buyer will send screenshot for the MT103/72 and get the acceptance from the Seller.
4. Buyer sets up MT103/72 for the first tranche 1000 BTC in USD. Next Transaction will be of larger amount and will come in daily tranches 4/5 times over the next week. Price for every payment will be set on the day of Payment with reference to blockchain.com. POC can be provided before each tranche in the size of that tranche.
5. After Receiving the MT103/72 at Sellers bank, the Seller transfers coins to the Buyer for the total funds received by his bank, through blockchain at the rate of the day less discount as per the contract.
6. After the Buyer receipt the BTC on his wallet and after the 6 confirmations of blockchain Buyer bank release the conditional funds MT103/72 in the sellers account.
7. The same procedures will repeat till the end of the contractual agreement
8. Deal Close
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 10K BTC @ +0% gross, +2% net, Bank2Bank, Escrow, Wilmington Trust - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 3.4.2019
Seller is a massive liquidity provider (above $50B to spend on crypto assets), located in Cayman Islands, fairly well known, and is a regulated institution.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 1000 BTC
Amount (max), BTC: 10000 BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Gross : +0%
Net : +2%
Purchase procedure:
Type: Bank2Bank or Escrow
KYC: Yes
POF type: Bank statement
POC type: Satoshi test
Agreement type: n/a
Face-2-Face meeting: No
Escrow: Wilmington Trust only
Seller normally works through bank2bank procedure. Since it is a regulated institution, the main requirement for the Buyer is an ability to pass KYC process. As soon as KYC is passed, POC can be provided, and it’s possible to setup a call with Seller directly. The parties sign the contract, buyer executes SWIFT MT760, and then transfer of coins and funds happen at the same time.
Seller also has an account in Wilmington Trust. If needed, they can trade though this escrow as well. Seller is a dual-escrow platform, so coins will be in the custody of the escrow platform and Wilmington Trust would be used for fiat escrow only.
1. Buyer provides KYC documents and bank statement.
2. Seller checks KYC documents and provides POC in the form of AB wallet transfer. It’s also possible to arrange a call at this stage if needed.
3. Parties sign SPA (Sale Purchase Agreement).
4. At this stage, there are 3 possible ways to close the deal:
a) Buyer’s bank executes MT760 (blocked funds) to Seller’s bank. Once the Seller’s bank confirmed the bank message (MT760), the Seller starts transferring the first tranche of BTC.
b) Seller can do a ledger to ledger in Signature Bank, no SWIFT needed.
c) Seller has an account in Wilmington Trust, so they can close the deal using this escrow as well. Seller is a dual-escrow platform, so coins will be in the custody of the escrow platform and WT would be used for fiat escrow only. -
5. The corresponding tranche of funds is transferred from Buyer to Seller.
6. The next tranche of BTC is transferred to Buyer in accordance with the agreed timeline. Once it is done, the corresponding tranche of funds is transferred to Seller. Repeat process until the deal is settled in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 10K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, Hong Kong, Philippines - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 3.4.2019
The seller is a private BTC holder. The transaction is executed during personal meeting of Seller and Buyer in a chosen safe place in Hong Kong or Philippines. No documents required to start the process. Proof of funds and Proof of coins are done in person at the meeting. Coins are on a cold wallet which is moved to the Buyer at the meeting. Seller accepts bank2bank (HSBC to HSBC is preferred) or cash (big amounts as well).
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 1000 BTC
Amount (max), BTC: 10000 BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Gross : -3%
Net : -1%
Bank: HSBC Hong Kong
Purchase procedure:
Type: Bank2bank (HSBC to HSBC is preferred) or Cash
Escrow: n/a
POF type: Login in bank account at face2face meeting / Show the cash
POC type: Opening wallet at face2face meeting
Agreement type: Purchase-Sale agreement (optional)
Face-2-Face meeting: Hong Kong or Philippines
The transaction is committed at face-2-face meeting in a safe place in Hong Kong or Philippines. The place is selected by the Buyer and approved by Seller. On the meeting parties do POF and POC in person, then cold wallet with the coins is transferred to a flash drive and the flash drive to the Buyer laptop (better if Buyer has Bitcoin Core ready). When the transfer is done, funds in HKD are transferred HSBC to HSBC (or the cash is handed to the seller). No advanced submission of documents (KYC, LOI etc.) required to get started.
1. Buyer and Seller mandates arrange a call and discuss transaction terms and procedure. Parties agree on the date and place of the face-2-face meeting.
2. Parties meet in person. Buyer logs in into his bank account, shows the funds and proves control of them.
3. Seller shows the wallet, logs in and opens it to show the coins and prove he has access to it.
4. If the transfer of funds is possible the same day, the cold wallet with the coins is moved from Seller to Buyer.
5. When cold wallet transfer is done, Buyer transfer the funds bank2bank (HSBC to HSBC is preferred) or hands the cash to Seller.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 2.4.2019
The seller is a private BTC holder from Malaysia. The transaction is executed during personal meeting of Seller and Buyer in a bank in Kuala Lumpur. Proof of coins is provided also at the meeting. Proof of funds is not required.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 25000 BTC (5000 BTC minimum tranche size)
Amount (max), BTC: 100000 BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Gross : -5%
Net : -2%
Bank: OCBC Singapore
Purchase procedure:
Type: bank2bank
Escrow: n/a
LOI: Yes
POF type: n/a
POC type: Opening wallet at face2face meeting
Agreement type: Purchase-Sale agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The transaction is committed at face-2-face meeting in a bank in Kuala Lumpur. On the meeting Seller opens their wallet and proves control of it. Buyer performs express telegraphic transfer for the corresponding tranche of coins (as agreed), upon receipt of which Seller transfers bitcoins. No advanced submission of documents (KYC, LOI etc.) required to get started.
1. Buyer and Seller mandates arrange a call and discuss transaction terms and procedure.
2. Seller/Seller Signatory will forward their drafted MOU to the Buyer for confirmation prior to contract. Buyer should review the MOU, insert their details, sign it and send back to Seller.
3. Once the MOU is agreed (needs to be done in 24 hours after submission), the SPA will be provided to the Buyer with agreed terms and conditions. Buyer needs to sign 2 copies and provide one signed copy to the Seller during transaction day face-to-face meeting.
4. Before flying to Kuala Lumpur, Buyer needs to copy the ticket to Seller side as final confirmation of their itinerary. For this trade, maximum 2 (two) people from Buyer side will be allowed.
5. On transaction day, Buyer and Seller will meet inside bank with signed SPA copies and one copy will be provided to Seller. If Investment Agreement is needed, it will be signed only face to face.
6. Seller will show the wallet, will log-in and open it to show the coins and prove he has access to it.
7. Buyer will start transaction by first sending funds (express telegraphic transfer is preferred) from his bank account to the Seller’s OCBC Singapore Bank Account. Once the funds are cleared into Seller’s account, Seller will send the coins.
8. After completion of successful transactions for that particular day, the commissions for both Buyer and Seller side will be transacted by Seller to the allocated paymaster.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ +0.5% gross, +2.5% net, Escrow, Wilmington Trust (US), Unity (Europe) - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 1.4.2019
Seller is a private BTC owner. Seller provides a clean and steady supply of BTC through escrow service. He has a reliable trade execution process and is ready to work through Wilmington Trust (US) and Unity (Europe) escrow agents.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 100 BTC
Amount (max), BTC: 100000 BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Gross : +0.5%
Net : +2.5%
Purchase procedure:
Type: Escrow
Escrow: Wilmington Trust and Unity only (Seller is on boarded on both)
KYC: Yes
LOI: Yes
POF type: Bank statement
POC type: Verified by Escrow
Agreement type: Purchase-Sale agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: No
Seller works through escrow service. Seller is on-boarded with both Wilmington Trust (US) and Unity (Europe) and doesn’t work with other escrow agents. POC is provided via Escrow. The trade is executed after KYC is passed and Purchase Sale Agreement is signed. Seller side pays escrow fees for the buyer. As soon as buyer deposit funds into escrow, the deal will be settled in few tranches.
1. BUYER provides LOI, the latest bank statement (redacted one with names and account numbers blacked out is fine as well).
2. BUYER gets onboard with Wilmington Trust or Unity escrow, submits required KYC documents.
3. BUYER and SELLER sign Purchase Sale Agreement.
4. As soon as BUYER is on boarded to escrow, BUYER needs to deposit funds to escrow for the first tranche. Parties can start with 500 or 1000 BTC on the first tranche and then ramp up.
5. Repeat process until the deal is settled in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 1.4.2019
The seller is a private BTC holder from Malaysia. The transaction is executed during personal meeting of Seller and Buyer in a bank in Kuala Lumpur. Proof of coins is provided also at the meeting. Seller transfers the coins first, so the Buyer remains safe at all stages. Proof of funds is not required.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 25000 BTC (5000 BTC minimum tranche size)
Amount (max), BTC: 100000 BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Gross : -5%
Net : -2%
Bank: OCBC Singapore
Purchase procedure:
Type: bank2bank
Escrow: n/a
LOI: Yes
POF type: n/a
POC type: Satoshi test, opening wallet at face2face meeting, small test transaction
Agreement type: Purchase-Sale agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The transaction is committed at face-2-face meeting. Buyer arrives to the meeting and brings a wallet with no less than 5,000 BTC which will be used as the collateral. On the meeting both Buyer and Seller open their wallets and prove each other control of it. Having the collateral presented, Seller starts transferring bitcoins in the amount not higher than the collateral. Then Buyer performs wire transfer for the coins received. No advanced submission of documents (KYC, LOI etc.) required to get started.
1. Buyer and Seller mandates arrange a call and discuss transaction terms and procedure.
2. Seller/Seller Signatory will forward their drafted MOU to the Buyer for confirmation prior to contract. Buyer should review the MOU, insert their details, sign it and send back to Seller.
3. Once the MOU is agreed (needs to be done in 24 hours after submission), the SPA will be provided to the Buyer with agreed terms and conditions. Buyer needs to sign 2 copies and provide one signed copy to the Seller during transaction day face-to-face meeting.
4. Before flying to Kuala Lumpur, Buyer needs to copy the ticket to Seller side as final confirmation of their itinerary. For this trade, maximum 2 (two) people from Buyer side will be allowed. Buyer needs to fly with minimum 5000 Bitcoins Blockchain wallet that will be acting as collateral. (Refer to Step 6).
5. On transaction day, Buyer and Seller will meet inside bank with signed SPA copies and one copy will be provided to Seller. If Investment Agreement is needed, it will be signed only face to face. Blockchain wallets with tranche equivalent to first tranche will be presented. Both parties will show each other wallets where following checks will be made:
a. Balance of the Wallet.
b. Wallet Address Verification on Blockchain.
c. Imported Address.
d. Sending Option Balance
6. After successful verification of the blockchain wallets, Seller will start transaction by first sending coins to the Buyers wallet while making sure the equal number of coins are under the possession of Buyer and under his control that will be acting as a collateral where if the payment is halted immediately the coins can be returned back to the Seller.
7. Immediately after confirmation of transacted coins to the Buyer’s wallet, Buyer will immediately start transacting funds from his bank account to the Seller’s OCBC Singapore Bank Account and both parties will only proceed to next tranche once the funds are cleared into Seller’s account.
8. After completion of successful transactions for that particular day, the commissions for both Buyer and Seller side will be transacted by Seller to the allocated paymaster
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 800K BTC @ -10% gross, -7% net, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : W Y)
Post: 31.3.2019
The new 800K BTC Seller is from London
Seller has 800.000 Bitcoins
Price : -10% gross, -7% net
B2B or F2F ( not escrow account, lawyer office, test Satoshi)
Minimum : 100,000 BTC
Per week: 20,000 BTC
Non performance of 200,000 € ( buyer&seller)
1. Buyer send POF/Mt199
2. Seller send Satoshi
3. Payment Mt 103/72,103/202 -
Prefer buyer willing to escrow in USA
Seller can sell small quantity thrombosis mother wallet after signed contract. So buyer can see coins. Buyer must use MT 103 to purchase the test BTC. Then transact.
This can be done with F2F or B2B at HSBC London
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 300K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, Escrow, Wilmington Trust, US - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 30.3.2019
Seller is a mining company located in the US. The deal is executed through a trusted escrow service (escrow with toptier regulated law firm) and guarantees security for both sides. Buyer funds are never at risk. Buyer does not need to upload all funds into escrow. Buyer receives the coins before Seller receives the payment. Seller provides POC as Satoshi test or Wallet A/B.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 5000 BTC
Amount (max), BTC: 300K BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Gross : -3%
Net : -1%
Bank: HSBC London, Signature Bank (US)
Purchase procedure:
Type: Escrow
Escrow: TMF Group, Wilmington Trust, or any other approved escrow with top-tier regulated law firm
KYC: Yes.- Via Escrow
LOI: Yes
POF type: Escrow
POC type: Satoshi Test, Wallet A/B
Agreement type: Purchase-Sale agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: nil
The procedure of purchasing bitcoins is based on escrow. Once agreement signed and POF confirmation from reliable escrow received, Seller transfers to Buyer’s wallet BTC tranches as agreed in the purchase contract. Buyer shall pay to Seller via escrow only after each transferred BTC tranche.
1. Buyer’s representative sends LOI.
2. Buyer will receive full agreement or the purchase order from Seller and has five clear international banking days to sign and return agreement in full.
3. Once POF confirmation from reliable escrow received, Seller sends a public key of his wallet that holds NOT less than 5,000 (Five Thousand BTC). This Wallet will be used throughout the transaction and on the contract. Also, upon mutual agreement, Satoshi can be sent from the transactional wallet.
4. Upon confirmation of the Escrow deposit Seller will initiate transfer of the corresponding tranche of bitcoins (no less than 5000 BTC) to Buyer’s wallet.
5. Buyer verifies the status of transfer and confirms the receipt of BTC.
6. Full payment for delivered BTC tranche(s) is released to the Seller specified bank account.
7. The process for the next tranches is repeated from Step 4 until the contract is settled in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -1% gross, +1% net, Escrow, Wilmington Trust, Unity - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 30.3.2019
Seller is a private BTC owner. Seller provides a clean and steady supply of BTC through escrow service. He has a reliable trade execution process and is ready to work through Wilmington Trust (US) and Unity (Europe) escrow agents.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 100 BTC
Amount (max), BTC: 100K BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Net : +2.5%
Gross : +0.5%
Purchase procedure:
Type: Escrow
Escrow: Wilmington Trust and Unity only (Seller is on boarded on both)
KYC: Yes.
LOI: Yes
POF type: Bank statement
POC type: Verified by Escrow
Face-2-Face meeting: No
Seller works through escrow service. Seller is on-boarded with both Wilmington Trust (US) and Unity (Europe) and doesn’t work with other escrow agents. POC is provided via Escrow. The trade is executed after KYC is passed and Purchase Sale Agreement is signed. Seller side pays escrow fees for the buyer. As soon as buyer deposit funds into escrow, the deal will be settled in few tranches.
1. BUYER provides LOI, the latest bank statement (redacted one with names and account numbers blacked out is fine as well).
2. BUYER gets onboard with Wilmington Trust or Unity escrow, submits required KYC documents.
3. BUYER and SELLER sign Purchase Sale Agreement.
4. As soon as BUYER is on boarded to escrow, BUYER needs to deposit funds to escrow for the first tranche. Parties can start with 500 or 1000 BTC on the first tranche and then ramp up.
5. Repeat process until the deal is settled in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500K BTC @ -1% gross, +1% net, Escrow, Standard Kepler - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 27.3.2019
Seller is a private BTC owner. Seller provides a clean and steady supply of BTC through escrow service. He has a reliable trade execution process and is ready to work with different escrow agents.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 25K BTC / week
Amount (max), BTC: 500K BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Net : +1%
Gross : -1%
Purchase procedure:
Type: Escrow
Escrow: Standard Kepler (seller is onboard), Legacy, Kingdom Trust, LMAX
KYC: Yes. - through escrow provider
LOI: Yes
POF type: Escrow
POC type: Escrow, or test deal of 1 BTC
Face-2-Face meeting: No
Seller works through escrow service. Seller is on-boarded with Standard Kepler, but could also work with such agents as Legacy, Kingdom Trust, LMAX. POC is provided via a letter by Standard Kepler. The trade is executed through KB Chau law firm and involves performance bond. Funds and Coins transfers happen in few tranches until the full amount is traded. Minimum purchase of 25,000 BITCOIN (BTC) per week up to 500,000 BITCOIN (BTC). Maximum of 50,000 BITCOIN (BTC) per Purchase Order (PO). So, for example if the BUYER wants to purchase 500,000 BITCOIN (BTC), BUYER has to submit 10 x Purchase Order (PO) of 50,000 BITCOIN (BTC) each per Purchase Order (PO).
1. BUYER provides LOI, the latest bank statement, Lawyer LOA.
2. Standard Kepler provides letter stating that SELLER has coins on board with them.
3. BUYER and SELLER sign an agreement and Purchase Order with KB Chau law firm, set up a data room (a web cabinet where both parties can sign in).
4. Both sides deposit performance bond with a minimum amount of $20,000 (or equivalent in BTC).
5. BUYER transfers funds to KB Chau for the first tranche which has to be equivalent of 5000 BTC. The next tranches may be larger. Coins go first direct from Standard Kepler to BUYER’s ledger, then the payment goes from KB Chau to SELLER. Repeat last step until coins are exhausted.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 2000 BTC daily @ +1% gross, +3% net, Bank2Bank, Escrow - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 26.3.2019
Seller is a U.S. based fintech company with 7 years of experience on the crypto market and an extensive network to meet any client demands. Seller provides a reliable, clean and steady supply of BTC and other crypto-assets, including ETH and other alt-coins. They have a flexible and amendable trade execution process and offer same day settlement through Seller’s Bank, based in NYC.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 50
Amount (max), BTC: 2000 daily
Rate: Tradeblock, other markets also possible
Net : +3%
Gross : +1%
Brokers : 2% (1% buyerside, 1% sellerside )
Escrow : 1%
PoF procedure: Escrow
Purchase procedure: Escrow
Type: Signature Bank NYC (no swift or extra fees required), SWIFT bank2bank, escrow
Escrow: Standard Kepler (seller is onboard), Legacy, Kingdom Trust, LMAX
KYC: Yes.
POF type: Not needed in case of using Signature Bank / SWIFT message otherwise
POC type: Wallets will be provided after the introductory call & KYC is complete
Face-2-Face meeting: Signature Bank, New York, NY, USA
Up to 2,000 BTC is available daily at a 1% premium above market rate on a perpetual basis. Trades are executed through Signature Bank, which Seller can offer expedited onboarding for its clients. Wallet addresses will be provided before trade execution in order for the buying party to complete digital forensics on the coins to be purchased.
1. Introductory Call with Seller to discuss the offer, terms of the sale, and answer any questions the buyer may have. No documents required to have a call. The entity will be verified through the mutual KYC process.
2. Wallets addresses will be provided after the introductory call & KYC is complete. KYC takes a few hours at most, going through https://www.trulioo.com/ (Vancouver based).
3. Call with a director at Signature Bank to begin expedited onboarding process. If the buyer doesn’t want to onboard with Signature, then it’s possible to use standard SWIFT wire transfers, or an escrow, as long as the escrow is reputable and passes seller’s KYC.
4. Agree to sale terms and draft a sales purchase agreement (SPA)
5. Trade execution
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500K BTC per week @ -2% gross, +1% net, Escrow, Standard Kepler, Kingdom Trust - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 26.3.2019
Seller is a private BTC owner. Seller provides a clean and steady supply of BTC through escrow service. He has a reliable trade execution process and is ready to work with different escrow agents.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 25000
Amount (max), BTC: 500000 per week
Rate: Blockchain.com
Net Premium: +1%
Gross : -2%
Brokers : 2% (1% buyerside, 1% sellerside )
Escrow: 1%
PoF procedure: Escrow
Purchase procedure: Escrow -
Type: Escrow
Escrow: Standard Kepler (seller is onboard), Legacy, Kingdom Trust, LMAX
KYC: Yes. Through escrow provider
LOI: Yes
POF type: Escrow
POC type: Escrow, or test deal of 1 BTC
Face2Face meeting: No
Seller works through escrow service. Seller is on-boarded with Standard Kepler, but could also work with such agents as Legacy, Kingdom Trust, LMAX. POC is provided via a letter by Standard Kepler. The trade is executed through KB Chau law firm and involves performance bond. Funds and Coins transfers happen in few tranches until the full amount is traded.
1. BUYER provides LOI, the latest bank statement, Lawyer LOA.
2. Standard Kepler provides letter stating that SELLER has coins on board with them.
3. BUYER and SELLER sign an agreement with KB Chau law firm, set up a data room (a web cabinet where both parties can sign in).
4. Both sides deposit performance bond with a minimum amount of $20,000 (or equivalent in BTC).
5. BUYER transfers funds to KB Chau for the first tranche which has to be equivalent of 5000 BTC. The next tranches may be larger. Coins go first direct from Standard Kepler to BUYER’s ledger, then the payment goes from KB Chau to SELLER. Repeat last step until coins are exhausted.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K BTC @ -2% gross, +1% net, Escrow, Standard Kepler, Kingdom Trust - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 25.3.2019
Seller is a private BTC owner. Seller provides a clean and steady supply of BTC through escrow service. He has a reliable trade execution process and is ready to work with different escrow agents.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 10 BTC
Amount(max): 50 BTC
-2% gross, +1% net
Type: Escrow
Escrow: Standard Kepler (seller is onboard), Legacy, Kingdom Trust, LMAX
KYC: Yes. Through escrow provider
LOI: Yes
POF type: Escrow
POC type: Escrow, or test deal of 1 BTC
Face2Face meeting: No
Seller works through escrow service. Seller is on-boarded with Standard Kepler, but could also work with such agents as Legacy, Kingdom Trust, LMAX. POC is provided via a letter by Standard Kepler. The trade is executed through KB Chau law firm and involves performance bond. Funds and Coins transfers happen in few tranches until the full amount is traded.
1. BUYER provides LOI, the latest bank statement, Lawyer LOA.
2. Standard Kepler provides letter stating that SELLER has coins on board with them.
3. BUYER and SELLER sign an agreement with KB Chau law firm, set up a data room (a web cabinet where both parties can sign in).
4. Both sides deposit performance bond with a minimum amount of $20,000 (or equivalent in BTC).
5. BUYER transfers funds to KB Chau for the first tranche which has to be equivalent of 5000 BTC. The next tranches may be larger. Coins go first direct from Standard Kepler to BUYER’s ledger, then the payment goes from KB Chau to SELLER. Repeat last step until coins are exhausted.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ 0% gross, +1.5% net, Unity or Wilmington Trust - Look For Buyer
(Seller: V V)
Post: 23.3.2019​​​​
The seller is selling 100K BTC at spot price plus 0.50% Escrow through Unity or Wilmington Trust.
Seller is verified onboarded entity in both escrows.
We can tranche 3,000 coins a day 3 to 4 times a day.
Any brokers would have to add to the 0.5% ie 1.5% (3 brokers x0.5%) on top for commissions.
Sell side is closed
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 2K BTC Daily @ +1% gross, +3% net, F2F, Signature bank, New York - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 22.3.2019
Seller is a U.S. based fintech company with 7 years of experience on the crypto market and an extensive network to meet any client demands. Seller provides a reliable, clean and steady supply of BTC and other crypto-assets, including ETH and other alt-coins. They have a flexible and amendable trade execution process and offer same day settlement through Seller’s Bank, based in NYC
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 50 BTC
Amount(max): 2,000 BTC daily
+1% gross, +3% net, Signature Bank (NY)
Type: Signature Bank NYC (no swift or extra fees required), SWIFT bank2bank, escrow
KYC: Yes
POF type: Not needed in case of using Signature Bank / SWIFT message otherwise
POC type: Wallets will be provided after the introductory call & KYC is complete
Agreements type: Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-face meeting: Signature Bank, New York, NY, USA
Up to 2,000 BTC is available daily at a 1% premium above market rate on a perpetual basis. Trades are executed through Signature Bank, which Seller can offer expedited onboarding for its clients. Wallet addresses will be provided before trade execution in order for the buying party to complete digital forensics on the coins to be purchased.
1. Introductory Call with Seller to discuss the offer, terms of the sale, and answer any questions the buyer may have. No documents required to have a call. The entity will be verified through the mutual KYC process.
2. Wallets addresses will be provided after the introductory call & KYC is complete. KYC takes a few hours at most, going through https://www.trulioo.com/ (Vancouver based).
3. Call with a director at Signature Bank to begin expedited onboarding process. If the buyer doesn’t want to onboard with Signature, then it’s possible to use standard SWIFT wire transfers, or an escrow, as long as the escrow is reputable and passes seller’s KYC.
4. Agree to sale terms and draft a sales purchase agreement (SPA)
5. Trade execution
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 400K BTC @ -8% gross, -4% net, Escrow, HSBC, London - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 21.3.2019
The Seller is a private investor. Purchase process involves an escrow agent and is based on Omni Protocol(seewww.omniwallet.org/about/omni) fortrust & simplicity. Seller transfers bitcoins into a transactional wallet as a first step that the Buyer can directly see and ultimately gets the control of it. During all the intermediate steps of the process this transactional wallet is controlled by the escrow agent.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 3000 BTC
Amount(max): 400,000 BTC
-8% gross, -4% net, HSBC London
KYC - Via escrow/law firm
LOI - yes
POF type - Escrow or bank statement
POC type - Uploading BTC to buyer’s Omni wallet
Agreements type: Purchase Sale Agreement
This proposal for purchase of bitcoins is based on Omni protocol and escrow services. Once agreement signed and POF confirmation from top-tier escrow law firm received, Seller transfers BTC tranches to Buyer’s new Omni wallet as agreed in the purchase contract. Buyer shall pay to Seller via escrow only after each transferred BTC tranche.
1. Buyer’s representative sends LOI.
2. Buyer completes Bitcoin Purchase Agreement along with the IMFPA and sends them to the Seller along with a current unredacted Bank Account Statement as a POF that will be used to pay for the Bitcoins. If buyer already onboarded on escrow, POF could be confirmed via it.
3. Seller will countersign the Bitcoin Purchase Agreement and will send a copy to the Buyer along with the escrow agreement. Buyer onboards with the Escrow Law Firm and goes through their AML/KYC checks. The Seller has already been onboarded with a top-tier Escrow Law Firm.
4. Buyer signs the escrow agreement and returns the executed copy to the Seller.
5. Seller and Seller’s escrow attorney sign the Escrow Agreement and will provide an executed copy to the Buyer.
6. Buyer opens a new wallet with omniwallet.org and provides the login information to the Seller (such as the email address and password).
7. Seller will transfer bitcoins of the corresponding tranche to the new Omni wallet.
8. At the same time a private key will be issued by the Blockchain to the Seller in order to complete the transaction. The Seller will give this private key to the Escrow Law Firm
9. Buyer will confirm the bitcoins in their Omni wallet and change the login and password for their own security purposes.
10. The Buyer will then send the payment for the respective tranche to the Seller's Escrow Law Firm’s Bank account for safe keeping.
11. Upon confirmation of the receipt of the payment for that tranche, Seller and/or the Escrow Law Firm will release the private key to the Buyer to complete the tranche of that transaction.
12. Buyer can then move the BTC to a new wallet at their discretion.
13. Once the BTC is transferred and confirmed, the escrow firm is prompted to release funds to the Seller immediately
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 50K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, F2F, Cash, Escrow, UK - Look For Buyer
(Seller : R L)
Post: 19.3.2019
I have a contract for 50,000 BTC, Seller is in England.
Please have a look at the contract, there are different procedures. If price and procedures are accepted, i will send contract with the seller info. Buyer side commission is open starting from R L
Amount(min) initial/daily: 5K BTC
Amount(max): 50K BTC
-7% gross, -4% net, 2% brokers
Market Value is calculated by the Seller as the average Bitcoin value
the day of prior to the transaction as showed in www.coinmarketcap.com, www.bitcoin.org or www.bitcoin.com, send money/Bitcoin,litecoin & bitcoin cash wallet/buy and sell
PAYMENT TO SELLER $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PAYMENT TO ESCROW (1%) $xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PAYMENT TO SELLER BROKER (1%) $ xxxxxxxxxxxx
a. The Buyer and Seller execute this Private Exchange Deed of Agreement which shall be deemed a full recourse formally and legally binding commercial contract between the PARTIES. Buyer must provide Proof of Fund/Statement along with countersigned contract directly to seller , while seller provide proof of Coin attestation letter from his attorney to buyer attorney
b. Buyer sends the Escrow Deposit Placement of $xxxxxx,0,000.00 via Bank Wire Transfer to Seller’s nominated Escrow account only.
c. Seller’s upon confirmation of the Escrow Deposit will initiate placement of 5000BTC first tranche amount/value directly into Buyer’s Wallets, preference to be advised by Buyer in favor of Buyer/Beneficiary per tranche basis, as would be specified by Buyer.
d. On both Seller and Buyer’s advice of posting status and screen details, Buyer shall verifies and authenticates the tranche posting.
e. Full payments is released to Seller specified bank account, of full purchase price of delivered
BTC tranche(s), less 1% Escrow service charge and 2% commission for both Seller and Buyer consultants/intermediaries.
PAYMENT TO SELLER $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PAYMENT TO SELLER BROKER (1%) $ xxxxxxxxxxxx
1.Buyer sign this contract, KYC, passport copy, POF-statement of account must not be older than 3 banking day
2. Both parties sign this agreement thus become final.
3. The buyer with 24 hours sent his air ticket itinerary to meet seller mandate in London
4. Buyer and Seller/seller mandate meet at seller London office at pre-arranged time.
5. Seller/Mandate show proof of coin to Buyer.
6. Buyer within 24 hours transfer fund to Seller nominated bank account in the minimum value of 5000BTC USD/EURO equivalent
7. Seller within 24 hours of confirmation of fund transfer BTC from his wallet address to Buyer Wallet address .
8. Buyer verify his Wallet address and confirms the BTC
9. Buyer and Seller authenticate the BTC via blockchain 7 forensic confirmation9. Final commission 2% commission for both seller and buyer consultants/intermediaries.
Both parties depart from the country of London
PAYMENT TO SELLER $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PAYMENT TO SELLER BROKER (1%) $ xxxxxxxxxxxx
The Seller agrees to sell a number of Bitcoins as follows
TOTAL NUMBER OF BITCOINS: 50,000 BTC with possible R&E
FOLLOWING TRANCHES: 20,000, 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 BTCs
The Seller agrees to sell the Bitcoins to the Buyer at:
Market value minus 7% (Ten Percent) Discount Gross and 5% Net to Buyer
Market Value is calculated by the Seller as the average Bitcoin value
the day of prior to the transaction as
shown in www.coinmarketcap.com, www.bitcoin.org or www.bitcoin.com.
Upon execution of the present Agreement by the Buyer and Seller, the
Buyer will within 3 bank working
days, confirm to the Seller his readiness to proceed.
a. The Buyer and Seller execute this Private Exchange Deed of Agreement
which shall be
deemed a full recourse formally and a legally binding commercial
contract between the
PARTIES. Buyer must provide Proof of Fund/Statement of account within 24
hours of the
countersigned contract directly to the seller,s.
b. Buyer open a new blockchain wallet address and email the wallet
address to seller with the wallet address
password ,email address and password attached to the wallet address.
c. Seller within 48 hours credit the buyer wallet new address with
BTCxxxxx on restriction of no
transfer no further confirmation ,limited access ,until payment is
d. Buyer within 24 after confirmation of the BTC on his wallet dashboard
hours sends the Deposit
Placement of $xxxxxx,000.00 via Bank Wire Transfer to Seller’s nominated
e. Seller upon confirmation of fund release the hold on the BTC for
further transfer by buyer to
his private wallets address(third party wallet with 6-7 confirmation )
f. On both Seller and Buyer’s advice of posting status and screen
details, BUYER shall verify and
authenticates the tranche posting.
g. Full payments are released to Seller specified bank account, of the
full purchase price of
delivered BTC tranche(s), less 2% commission for both Seller and Buyer
PAYMENT TO SELLER $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PAYMENT TO SELLER BROKER (1%) $ xxxxxxxxxxxx
a. The BUYER and SELLER execute this Private Exchange Deed of Agreement,
shall be deemed a full recourse formally and legally binding commercial
contract between
b. Buyer will provide Proof of Funds/tearsheet/Statement of account not
older than 2
banking days along with countersigned contract from the Seller.
c. Seller will send a Satoshi from a wallet containing the 5,000 tranche
that is to be sold.
Buyer will immediately perform coins confirmation.
d. Within 4 hours of receiving Satoshi, Buyer will send funds from
Buyer’s nominated bank
account to Seller’s nominated bank account(Note seller account could be
anywhere in the
e. After receiving funds,Seller will immediately send coins to Buyer’s
f. Commission less 2% release both Seller and Buyer
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 500 BTC Per Day @ +8% gross, +12% net, F2F, Cash, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 19.3.2019
The seller–a partner of xxxxxxx –specializes on cash deals with BTC.Deals are executed face-2-face in Europe. The seller and the buyer both agree on the time and venue for a face-2-face meeting and make a transaction right at the meeting.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 50 BTC
Amount(max): 500 BTC per day
+8% gross, +12% net, +4% brokers
KYC - no
LOI - no
POF type - no
POC type - no
Agreements type: no
Face-2-face meeting: Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Monaco
Deals are committed face to face. The first deal cannot exceed 100,000EUR, but may be lower if preferred by the buyer. Preference is given to buyers who are willing to purchase on are regular basis. The seller does not accept 500 EUR bank notes. Prior to the meeting a conference call could be arranged.
1. BUYER provides client information as per the brief.
2. BUYER and SELLER agree on time and venue for committing the deal. Usually the venue is a hotel or an office meeting room.
3. To avoid inconvenience, prior to the meeting BUYER and SELLER exchange ID/Passport copies.
4. BUYER and SELLER meet in person at agreed time and place.
5. BUYER provides cash for checking and recounting. SELLER recounts the cash and verifies the authenticitiy of banknotes.
6. SELLER transfers BTC to BUYER’s wallet.
7. Once the BTC transaction has 3 confirmations on the blockchain, SELLER takes the cash.
8. If the deal is structured in tranches, the next tranches follow the same procedure, starting with Step 5.
Usually first tranches are small, in order to get to know each other and get used to the procedure. The smaller the tranches are, the safer the whole process is for each party.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 200K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, F2F, Dubai - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 17.3.2019
The seller is a private investor who has decided to sell the entire amount of BTC that has been purchased over the past three years. The offer is limited in time, as the Seller needs funds urgently. The seller offers one of the most popular purchase procedures - sale in a personal meeting in the seller's Dubai office.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 5000 BTC
Amount(max): 200,000 BTC
-5% gross, -2% net, Bank of Montreal, Canada
KYC - yes
LOI - no
POF type - Bank Statement
POC type - Opening the wallet on the face 2 face meeting in Dubai
Agreements type: Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-face meeting: Dubai
BTC sale is carried out in a personal meeting of the Seller and the Buyer in the Seller's Dubai office. The meeting is possible immediately after the submission of an account statement dated not earlier than 3 days from the moment of sending. The seller supports the Proof of Coins procedure by displaying a wallet with coins in a personal meeting.The buyer sends funds to the Bank account, the Seller sends BTC to the buyer's wallet right in a personal meeting.
1. Buyer sign this contract, KYC, passport copy, bank statement of account must not be older than 3 banking day.
2. Both parties sign agreement thus become final.
3. The buyer with 24 hours sent his air ticket itinerary to meet seller mandate in Dubai.
4. Buyer and Seller/Seller mandate meet at seller Dubai office at pre-arranged time.
5. Seller/Mandate show proof of coin to Buyer.
6. Buyer within 24 hours transfer fund to Seller nominated bank account in the minimum value of 5000BTC USD/EUR equivalent.
7. Seller within 24 hours of confirmation of fund transfer BTC from his wallet address to Buyer Wallet address.
8. Buyer verify his Wallet address and confirms the BTC.
9. Buyer and Seller authenticate the BTC via blockchain 6 confirmation.
10. Final commission 2% commission for both seller and buyer consultants/intermediaries. Both parties depart from the country of Dubai.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 800K BTC @ -2% gross, -1% net, B2B, HSBC, Europe - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 16.3.2019
The seller is a large private equity fund, located in Germany. The fund is in the middle of liquidating its crypto division, thus a large amount of BTC is offered for sale. The procedure is based on MT760 SBLC protocol, which is safe both for buyer and seller and makes buyer’s bank act like an escrow agent in accordance with the contract terms.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount(min): 100 BTC
Amount(max): 100,000 BTC
-2% gross, -1% net, HSBC Bank London (priority account), Solaris Bank Germany
KYC - yes
LOI - no
POF type - MT799 informational message (optional)
POC type - 10 BTC test transaction showing BTC that equals to the amount of funds announced in the MT-799 message
Agreements type: Purchase Sale Agreement
Face-2-face meeting: n/a
MT760 SBLC is executed to block buyer’s funds for the whole amount of the deal. Seller starts sending tranches of BTC, each tranche is followed by release of the corresponding amount of blocked funds and transfer it to the seller. Thus MT760 SBLC de-facto is a safe purchase procedure.The procedure can optionally be started with a test transaction (10 BTC) in order to let the buyer see seller’s transaction wallet and perform all desired checks
1.BUYER submits CIS, signatory’s passport, statutory documents of the company to SELLER.
2.BUYER and SELLER sign the Purchase-Sale Agreement.
3.If only BUYER wishes to start with a test deal, the parties should go through the following steps “a” – “d”:a.BUYER’s bank issues SWIFT MT799 information message to SELLER’s bank stating that BUYER is ready to execute MT760 SBLC for the whole amount of the contractb.BUYER transfers to SELLER via SWIFT MT103 the amount of funds equal to 10 BTC at the current rate on bitfinex.comc.SELLER transfers to BUYER 10 BTC from the wallet which should contain the amount of BTC equal to the amount of funds announced in the MT799 message issued by BUYER at step “a”.d.BUYER performs any and all desired checks of SELLER’s coins
4.BUYER executes MT760 SBLC for the whole amount of the contract.
5.SELLER transfers the first tranche of BTC in accordance with the Agreement.
6.The corresponding amount of blocked funds (under MT760 SBLC) is released and transferred to SELLER.7.Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the next BTC tranches until all BTC are transferred and paid in full.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
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