" Historically, over the past nine years, Bitcoin (BTC) has experienced four major corrections, all of which led Bitcoin to decline by more than 80 percent in value. The correction the crypto market experienced in 2018 resulted in a 69 percent drop in the price of Bitcoin, with some other cryptocurrencies like Binance Coin (BNB) and EOS recording smaller losses.
In August 2010, August 2011, January 2014, and January 2018, Bitcoin demonstrated 70 to 80 percent losses against the US dollar." - Joseph Young - Read Full Article
Source: CoinTelegraph
100K BTC Available
5% Gross . 2% net . Seller Onboarded GTES
Buyer Mandate Only - OTCbid.com
NEW: 100K BTC @ 5% gross, 2% net, Escrow GTES - Look For Buyer
(Seller 3)
POST 29.9.18
[Sep 28, 2018] SDC-S141
Q'ty: 100k BTC Discount: Gross -5/ Net -2 (-4/-2 after escrow fee 1%) Escrow: GTES
Notes: Not double escrow, not thierry coins
Code shared after escrow agreement signed and submitted to GTES.
Direct to buyer or mandate only can apply. Seller only wants to deal with buyer mandate. If you're not mandate, they won't talk.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited