" Bitcoin's bull run so far this year, which has seen the bitcoin price climb some 200% since January, has been largely put down to some of the world's biggest technology companies taking an interest in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
The bitcoin price has plateaued at around $10,000 as bitcoin traders and investors fret global regulators might scotch social media giant Facebook's plans for its own bitcoin rival, seen by some as a tacit endorsement of bitcoin and its underlying technology." - Read Full Article
Source: Forbes
-4% Gross . -1% Net . Escrow . Bank . NYC
Look For Seller Mandate Only -OTCbid.com

NEW: 100K BTC @ -4% gross, -1% net, Bank, Escrow, NYC - Look For Seller
(Buyer: AS KM)
Post: 28.8.2019
I am direct to the Buyer Mandate
New Buyer is a high net-worth individual who is looking for 100,000 BTC. -4% gross, -1% net
3% brokers, 1.5% buyerside, 1.5% sellerside
1. Buyer and seller exchange KYC , and execute the contract Agreement
2. Buyer sends POF(Proof of funds) to Seller
3. 1 BTC as POC (Proof of coin) is sent from seller wallet not less than 1000btc balance to buyer wallet
4. Buyer confirms coin received, does his forensics and confirms Wallet balance. Buyer sends the 1 BTC back or pays for it instantly after receiving depending on the initial agreement.
5. IMFPA is signed
6. Buyer sends funds first to Seller’s Bank or Sellers Escrow/Lawyer with Proof of transaction receipt
7. Seller send agreed amount of coins to buyers wallet.
8. In case of escrow; Lawyer releases the funds to the seller. Repeat until total amount of agreed BTC are sold.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
Telegram: https://t.me/otcarchitect
Telegram: https://t.me/otcbid