" The 40-storey tower will run on 100 per cent renewable energy, consume 50 per cent less energy than a conventional building and be used by 4000 Atlassian workers.
Sydney-based and -founded software company Atlassian will change the city’s skyline with its new headquarters. It announced yesterday it will construct the world’s tallest hybrid timber building as part of a new Silicon Valley-esque technology precinct around Central Station called Tech Central.
The 40-storey tower is scheduled for completion by 2025 and is rumoured to cost an estimated $1 billion. Standing at around 180 metres tall, the finished building will overtake Vancouver’s Terrace House, currently under construction, which was slated to be the world’s tallest hybrid timber building at 71 metres." - Read Full Article
Source: Broadsheet
-0% Gross, +2% Net, Escrow, B2B, USA
NEW: 20K up to 250K+ BTC @ -0% Gross, +2% Net, B2B, Escrow, US - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AB BC)
Post: 26.6.2020
A seller can sell big volume 20K up to 250K+ BTC at -0% gross, +2% net
Buyerside = 1 %
Sellerside = 1 %
BTC price based on Spot price Blockchain.com
Procedures depending on: direct bank to bank or escrow
Bank guarantee only Top A rated bank!
Seller does No Free Satoshi, only small paid BTC transfer to buyers address
POF (screenshot) before POC.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (Linkedin)