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OTCbid - Russian Lawyers Claim 200,000 BTC Lost in Mt. Gox Can Be Recovered

Writer: Raymond ChaiRaymond Chai

" Russian law firm Zheleznikov and Partners proposed legal action in Russia that should enable its lawyers to recover up to 200,000 Bitcoin (BTC) lost in the Mt. Gox fiasco.

Recover losses on behalf of Mt. Gox victims

On Sept. 12 in a Q&A with Andy Pag, a former BBC journalist, the Moscow law firm outlined its proposal to recover close to $2 billion in BTC on behalf of the victims of the hack of the now-defunct Mt. Gox exchange, which according to its lawyers has the promise of making the Mt. Gox victims whole." - Read Full Article


-4% Gross . -2% Net . F2F . B2B . HSBC . Barclay . London

Look For Buyer Mandate Only -

NEW: 200K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, HSBC, Barclay London - Look For Buyer

(Seller :  AG....KE)

Post: 13.9.2019

A new seller has 200K Bitcoin for sale at -4% gross, -2% net

Sell in London at HSBC or Barclay


1. Buyer and Seller signs and execute the agreement with full KYC.

2. Buyer provides proof of fund via a statement of account no older than 3 banking days.

3. Seller provides proof of coin via wallet screenshot showing availabilities of the coin.

4. Both parties meet at seller appointed office within EUROPE.

5. Buyer and Seller exchange POF and POC during the face to face tabletop meeting.

6. Buyer within 24 hours credit fund via wire transfer to seller nominated account during the face to face meeting.

7. Seller same day upon fund confirmation credit buyer wallet address with coin equivalent to the amount deposit by the buyer. 

8. Both parties validate the coin and payment is released to consultant-brokers. 

9. Both parties depart to their various countries of origin

10. Next tranche continues remotely as both parties may decide.​


Interested parties should contact:

WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589



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