" Kraken Head of Business Dan Held explains why he believes Bitcoin could reach $1,000,000.
Kraken’s head of business, Dan Held, has been involved in crypto since 2013. In his latest interview with Cointelegraph, he dives into the early crypto meetups in San Francisco’s Mission District and explains how the price of one Bitcoin (BTC) could eventually reach a million dollars.
Watch the full interview for a trip down memory lane and a roadmap of Bitcoin’s future. Held also explains why Bitcoin could become a “very boring” asset and why he believes it’s time to stop experimenting with altcoins. " - Read Full Article
Source: Cointelegraph
-2% Gross, +2% Net,
NEW: 10K+ BTC @ -2% Gross, +2% Net - Look For Seller
(Seller : KA...TG)
Post: 5.7.2020
A buyer is looking for 10K+ BTC at -2%gross, +2%net.
Buyerside = 2 %
Sellerside = 2 %
1. Buyer sends SBLC (standby letter of credit) via SWIFT TO SELLER BANK
2. Seller sends satoshi for 1000 BTC to buyer's wallet.
3. Buyer verifies the bitcoin
4. Seller sends 1000 bitcoin to buyer's wallet
5. Buyer's bank sends payment by wire to seller bank.
6. Once the BTC contract has been completed the seller returns SBLC to buyer bank
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)