" Both Bitcoin (BTC) and gold have once again been caught in the throes of volatility that have allowed them to form fresh levels of support and resistance that will likely continue to hold strong in the near-future.
Despite this volatility, Bitcoin is still in a firm bull market, and analysts are now noting that gold – and asset that BTC is often compared to – has been facing increasing downwards pressure. But is gold’s poor performance as of late good for Bitcoin?" - Read Full Article
Source: Newsbtc
-3% Gross . -1% net . Etana . USA
Look For Seller Mandate Only - OTCbid.com
NEW: 50K-100K BTC @ -3% gross, -1% net, Escrow, Etana, USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer: AE KT - AM KK)
Date: 9.7.2019
50K-100K BTC, -3% gross, -1% net, 2% comission
Look for seller willing to onboard on Etana
Standard procedures with Etana and deal managed and operated by Etana HQ
Etana buyer is ready to trade ASAP.
The buyer has the best relationship with the CEO of Etana and able to do calls with Mandates and CEO of Etana directly
It's confirmed that buyer is already onboard with CEO of Etana, RWA to buy 100K BTC with R&E
We can execute trade immediately and tranches with Mandates and CEO of Etana anytime
nterested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
Telegram: https://t.me/otcarchitect
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