" While Bitcoin’s value seems to have stagnated over the past few months, some believe that a price surge is just around the corner.
As the global economic engine continues to reel from the effects of the slowdown induced by the novel coronavirus, it’s still not clear how much devastation the pandemic has actually caused. For example, due to the restrictions imposed by governments all over the world such as border lockdowns, trade limitations and import/export reductions, economic movement has almost ceased, causing many businesses, both large and small, to either face up to the losses or shut down completely." - Read Full Article
Source: Cointelegraph
NEW: 50K BTC @ -4% Gross, -2% Net , B2B, Hang Seng Bank, Dubai - Look For Seller
(Buyer : TA...NG)
Post: 8.7.2020
A buyer is looking for 50K BTC at -4%gross, -2%net.
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
The Buyer has account with Hang Seng Bank
Buyer is ready to trade and accept seller's discount rate
Buyer is willing to send a BANK PAYMENT UNDERTAKING bank to bank as payment guarantee before TT.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)