" Bitcoin’s “realized” price today hit an all-time high, while Ethereum’s “realized” price hit a 22-month high.
Bitcoin’s “realized” price hit an ATH of $6,903, as per calculations from Glassnode, a crypto analytics firm. Bitcoin's previous ATH “realized” price was in early August when it hit $6,000 as the supply became more evenly distributed among the holders.
“Realized” price, distinct from the “current” price, derives from the alternative metric of “realized capitalization”, originally proposed by Coin Metrics, a crypto data firm.
Source: Decrypt
-6% Gross , -3% Net, Bitcoin Escrow Law Firm, US
NEW: 100K-300K+ BTC @ -6% Gross -3% Net, Bitcoin Escrow Law Firm, US - Look For Buyer
(Seller : SK UY)
Post: 16.11.2020
A Seller has 100K-300K+ BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net.
Sellerside = 1.5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
1. Buyer returns the contract dully filled, sealed and signed with proof of funds for the first tranche or more if he wants via an active recent bank account statement of United States Dollars in cash via screen or email.
2. Seller signs this BITCOIN ESCROW PURCHASE AGREEMENT and shows a screen shot to the buyer via screen or email one of his/her wallets showing available BTC for the first tranche or more and sends Satoshi (0.000) to the buyer's wallet.
3. The Legal / Escrow Agent, shall endorse this Bitcoin Escrow Purchase Agreement and shall forward this completed signed Bitcoin Escrow Purchase Agreement to the Buyer and to the Seller.
4. Upon execution of this BITCOIN ESCROW PURCHASE AGREEMENT, Buyer shall wire to the Legal/Escrow Agent’s
bank account the sum of …………. MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS ($..0,000,000.00 USD) to be applied for the purchase of the first tranche of ……0 BTC (“Initial Deposit”).
5. The Escrow Legal Agent shall inform both Buyer and Seller receipt of the Initial Deposit.
6. Seller shall initiate placement of the first tranche of the …..00 BTC directly into the Buyer’s designated Wallet.
7. Thereafter, the Buyer shall confirm receipt of the evidence of the BTC deposit in his Wallet to the Escrow Legal Agent and to the Seller.
8. Upon receipt of the …..00 BTC (as a first tranche) in Buyer’s Wallet, the Legal / Escrow Agent shall make payment of ……….. MILLION DOLLARS ($,000,000.00) less 1% as Escrow Services fees, directly to seller’s designated bank account in BANK OF AMERICA - ADDRESS: NYXXXXXXXXXXXX.... NY 11239.
9. Simultaneously, after the execution of each trench, commissions are paid to agents as agreed in FPA.
10. All payments shall be made via wire transfer.
11. All subsequent tranches must be done with the same above written procedure
If there is no POF with the contract, seller will not send Satoshi.
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)
Telegram @OTCBIDdotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577