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Cryptosss - Aussie uni students invent huge change to crypto

Writer's picture: Raymond ChaiRaymond Chai

" Two Sydney mates aged in their twenties came up with an idea in a university tutorial that will now see the Australian cryptocurrency landscape changed forever.

An idea casually thrown around by two Sydney friends while in a university tutorial several years ago will now see the Australian cryptocurrency landscape changed forever.

Andrew Grech and Richard Voice, both 24, met at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in 2018, while studying a double degree of Business and IT. “We were in the same tute (tutorial) together. The topic in the tute was ‘does anyone have any business ideas’,” Mr Voice told Mr Grech told his classmates he wanted to make it possible to buy things directly with cryptocurrency because: “I trade crypto and there’s no real easy way to spend it.” " - Read Full Article

Source: News Domain Name Is For Sale


" We get asked for millions of BTC from billion-dollar companies. We can do it with multiple sellers and multiple wallets."

- OTCbid

-13% Gross, -7% Net, Escrow, PAA Capital group, London

Seller Mandate Only -

NEW : 50K- 400K BTC with R&E @ -13% gross, -7% net, Escrow, PAA Capital group, London - Look For Seller

(Buyer : KA CB-Gail)

Post: 6.8.21


  • A Buyer is looking for 50K-400K BTC with R&E @ -13%gross, -7% net

  • Buyer = 7%

  • Buyerside = 3%

  • Sellerside = 3%

  • First tranche = TBA

  • Subsequent tranches = TBA



  • The Buyer (an asset management) has funds deposited in the escrow agent PAA CAPITAL GROUP.

  • The Escrow guarantees the Buyer and the Seller

  • The Escrow must receive the BTC from the Seller and the funds from the Buyer.​


  • Buyer and Seller sign SPA agreement and and sends it to the Escrow Agent.

  • After the signing of the Agreement by the Parties, the Contract is deposited with Escrow which will review the funds from Buyer and Seller.

  • Upon receipt and verification, the Buyer deposits the funds of the tranche.

  • Escrow will confirm to Seller that the deposit has been made and will communicate the wallet address of the BTC sending to the Seller.

  • Once the transfer has been completed (test 6 blockchain keys) Escrow will turn the funds over to the Seller

  • Pay the foreseen commissions and fees to all brokers

  • Operations will be replicated for each tranche. ​


Interested parties should contact :




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