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" Crypto friendly Metropolitan Bank in NYC assets rose to $1.89 Billion from $1.38 Billion - Financial for Q3 2018 "
" Crypto Business Triples Profits of Two US Banks in 2018. Institutions that are offering their customers premium crypto-focused banking solutions include Metropolitan Bank, Silvergate Bank, Cross River Bank, and Signature Bank."
" Is Coinbase Becoming A Crypto Bank? - Coinbase has integrated itself into the financial markets as well, by establishing an account with Barclays Bank, as well as obtaining an e-money license. This move makes it easier for UK-based customers to use the cryptocurrency exchange and withdraw fiat currency. These features mean that “Coinbase has become a crypto bank... " - Crypto Briefing
" JPMorgan Chase Moves to Be First Big U.S. Bank With Its Own Cryptocurrency. " - NY Times
" Major Swiss Online Bank Posts Soaring Profits After Offering Clients Crypto Investing....client assets rose by 20 percent to CHF 25.5 billion ($25.81 billion) as of mid-2018. Net new capital inflows were a solid 60 percent above the previous year, hitting CHF 2.4 billion ($2.43 billion). For the full year, Swissquote is anticipating that income and profits will increase by 15 percent — higher than its earlier target of 10 percent. " - Coin Telegraph
" Crypto May Help Multibillion Cannabis Business Where Banks Can't " - Crypto News
" Big Day for Bitcoin Acceptance: Crypto Welcomed at Multi-Billion-Dollar Pair of Retailers " - News BTC
" Cryptobank in your smartphone - World Bit Bank - The world’s first legal cryptocurrency bank " - wbb.io
.Instant brand recognition
Instant Trust and Authority
Category killer brand name
Keyword rich and SEO benefits
Highly generic keywords​
Comparable Domain Market Sales $USD :
Cars.com - $872 million - 2016
CarInsurance.com - $49.7 million - 2010
VacationRentals.com - $35 million - 2007
PrivateJet.com - $30.18 million - 2012
MyWorld.com - $1.2 million - 2017
BTC.com - $1 million - 2014
Insure.com - $16 million - 2009
Fund.com - £9.99 million - 2008
Business.com - $7.5 million - 1999
CryptoBank.com - $125,000 - 2017
Source: Namebio