NEW: 300K+ BTC @ 10% gross, 5% net, B2B, MT103, Escrow, JP Morgan USA - Look For Seller
Post: 9.12.21
A buyer is looking for up to 500K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net
Minimum contract size and face value of Escrow is 5K BTC
Maximum contract size and face value of Escrow is 300K+ BTC
Buyer = 5%
Buyer side = 1%
Seller side = 1%
Intermediary = 1%
1) Seller/BTC holder (Hereinafter referred to as "Seller") sends Agreement to Purchaser/Fiat Holder (Hereinafter referred to as "Buyer") Bitcoin (Hereinafter referred to as (BTC)
2) Buyer sends KYC/CIS with Passport for compliance. Buyer reveals bank and location of transaction.
3) Within 24 hours, Buyer will fill out with buyer ́s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the seller together with POF via the most recent bank account statement showing enough balance to cover the first tranche. Seller will fill out all required details. Once Buyer passes compliance, Seller will send Seller's KYC/CIS SPA and Escrow Agreement completely filled out with Seller's
information, which will include Seller wallet address to buyer.
4) After Buyer is approved, a $1.00 BTC deposit from a wallet of 5,000 BTC or more will made as
proof of coin to Buyer.
5) The Buyer shall pay the Seller for each and all BTC purchases via Swift MT 103 cash transfer in US$
currency sent to the Seller nominated receiving bank account via Escrow.
6) For each sales tranche, the Seller shall issue a Pro-Forma Invoice addressed to the Buyer quoting the agreed days market price for the BTC tranche quantities, and then the Buyer pays the invoice amount minus the Buyer discount of -5% net and the agreed Commission for each and every tranche to be paid by the Seller plus Contract renewal.
7) Buyer will wire funds for first tranche to Attorney Escrow account within 24 hours of receipt of approval to proceed from Escrow Attorney, along with signed invoice (via email seller CC’d) that will state the following; Gross Price of Coin; Number of Coins to be purchased in first tranche; Net purchase price for Buyer; Net Amount to Seller; Net amount to Intermediaries; Invoice will state in it that Buyer approves the sending of escrowed funds to the Seller (this document is not signed by buyer until BTC has been received and confirmations have been completed)
8) If Seller agrees to Invoice, Seller signs invoice, sends invoice to attorney via email (CC’d to Buyer). Seller will send BTC for first tranche to Trustee Execution Wallet address supplied by Buyer (may take between 2 to 4 hours for receipt)
9) Upon confirmation of BTC by Trustee is transferred to Seller’s Bank Account
10) Funds in escrow will be distributed upon the following; Buyer will have 6 confirmations, if Buyer’s confirmation is successful, Buyer will countersign invoice and email to escrow attorney (CC to Seller) Escrow Attorney will immediately remit escrowed funds to Seller.
11) The commission must be paid by seller to the agents under the IMFPA IC-MH300KR&E-BTC-2021 listed in “Annex D”, which is included in this agreement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: Up to 500K BTC @ 8% gross, 5% net, Escrow, India - Look For Seller
Post: 9.12.21
A buyer is looking for up to 500K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Buyer side = 1%
Seller side = 1%
Intermediary = 1%
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ 6% gross, 3% net, Bank, Russia, Canada - Look For Seller
(Buyer : SAP...LM -TELE)
Post: 6.12.21
An institutional buyer is looking for 100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyer side = 1.5%
Seller side = 1.5%
Owner of Bitcoins issues LOI to the name of ХХХХХХХХХХХХ. Attn: ХХХХХХХХХХХХХ Director/CEO.
The LOI should indicate under what condition the owner of Bitcoins want to perform: sales, investment/loan contract and target discount.
The LOI should include basic Bitcoins owner information: contact details and active wallet information. Upon receipt of LOI ХХХХ
The Buyer (Institutional Financial Entity subsidiary of a Bank) and the Seller exchange a KYC.
The Buyer and the Seller sign SPA.
The Buyer opens for the Seller a primary General Commercial Operating Business Master Account in the name of the Seller for the purpose of transacting per the terms of SPA and Note: the business account of the Seller will be a Master Account and will contain two segregated business accounts, one will be a fully operational business account opened and the second is a security account (SKR). The Master Account and the segregated business accounts will all be in name of Seller).
The Seller to advise the Buyer of a wallet address under the control of the Seller with a minimum of 500 BTC for Buyer to run wallet analysis.
The Buyer transfers funds to the Seller’s security account (SKR), the amount of transferred funds should be 150% of the value of the tranches listed in the corresponding tranche schedule or value of the transactional wallet, it should be calculated on the current market value of the BTC in EUR and outlined in Annex A to SPA.
After the execution of the Contract between the Seller and the Buyer takes place; the Seller shall send the Party 2, EUR1000 worth of bitcoin (Satoshi) from the wallet address which will be confirmed by Buyer to verify that Seller is in control of the external crypto wallet/s that Seller is using for the transfer of the bitcoin tranches to the wallet address of Buyer for the purpose of concluding a sales and purchase transaction. Once the transfer fully settles on the blockchain in the wallet of Party 2, the EUR1000 equivalent of bitcoins are returned to the Seller.
The Buyer and Seller mutually agree to a schedule to be outlined in Annex A to SPA.
The Seller, transfers BTC to the Buyer’s wallet as per mutually agreed schedule; the BTC transfer is verified as received after 6 confirmations of transfer to the Buyer’s wallet as confirmed on www.blockchain.com explorer. In order to fix the BTC Price (EUR), at the moment the BTC transfer has been confirmed by Party 2, Buyer shall communicate to Seller the exact “settlement-BTC price” which is indicative of the BTC Price Fix (EUR) which is based on the average global market price of a BTC for acceptance by the Seller. The Buyer and the Seller choose to cross reference the average global market price with https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/btc-eur; the Buyer transfers funds estimated as per mutually agreed price ledger to ledger to the Seller’s operational account.
The Seller will generate the Seller Paid Invoice detailing the BTC Price Fix in (EUR), BTC Purchase Price in (EUR) having adjusted for the agreed discount, Total Units of BTC Sent by the Seller, and Total Fiat Amount Due (EUR) from the Buyer. The Seller’s Paid Invoice shall be delivered to the Buyer, at the end of the daily tranche so that trading can resume the following business day repeating until completing contractual quantity.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 500-120K BTC with R&E @ 7% gross, 4% net, F2F, TTM, Bank, Zurich - Look For Seller
Post: 3.12.21
A buyer is looking for 500-120K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyer side = 1.5%
Seller side = 1.5%
First tranche = 500-50000 BTC
No KYC/CIS required as this is a face to face / tabletop meeting / transaction inside the bank. Buyer will sign a contract at the meeting inside the bank.
The Seller sends Satoshi for 500 BTC. This is the minimum amount of BTC the buyer will transact.
For the seller's peace of mind; Seller should move 500 BTC into a new wallet controlled only by the seller. Send the Satoshi, wait for confirmations...then move the 500 BTC back to the original wallet.
This will be sufficient proof to the buyer that the seller actually controls the wallet and the BTC
Buyer and seller will then be in direct video call contact. Buyer will show POF and make arrangements with the seller to travel / meet.
The Buyer can travel to the seller's bank or arrange a private jet/ first class ticket for the seller to meet in the buyer's bank.
The Buyer will transfer funds first and only when the seller's bank confirms receipt does the seller transfer the coin. This usually only takes a few minutes for receipt of funds confirmation.
Seller only sends BTC after receipt of funds.
Buyer can purchase from 500 - 50.000 Bitcoins per tranche. Total amount and pricing / discount are open.
Please note the buyer procedure is not negotiable. We need potential sellers to confirm 100% that they are ready, willing and able to follow the procedure before we engage in any conference calls.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 180 BTC weekly @ ?% gross, ?% net, Bank, Lawyer, Toronto, USA - Look For Seller
Post: 28.11.21
A serious buyer in US is looking for 180 BTC weekly @ -?% gross, -?% net
Buyer = ?%
Buyer side = ?%
Seller side = ?%
Weekly tranche = 180 BTC
Long term contract if the price and discount is good and reasonable
Roughly 180 BTC weekly and we can increase the weekly amount
Before filling up the client KYC we need a draught of a contract which includes the following procedure
1) Schedule a meeting to introduce buyer/seller.
2) Prepare and sign Contract.
3) Buyer instruct his bank officer to issue a SBLC from a top tear bank in favor of the Seller. This will be used to guarantee payment.
4) Buyer transfers $10M USD to his lawyer in Toronto.
5) Seller transfers BTC to buyer’s lawyer.
6) Buyer’s lawyer transfers $10M USD to Seller or his lawyer.
Buyer is interested in purchasing $10M USD each week based on a long-term contract.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 1500 BTC with up to 100K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Bank, Escrow Norton Rose, Canada - Look For Seller
(Buyer : PJES ANEA-linkl)
Post: 25.11.21
A buyer is looking for 1500 BTC with up to 100K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net
1500 a day for 60 days with rolls and extensions up to 100,000 after the first 60 days
Buyer = 4%
Buyer side = 1%
Seller side = 1%
Intermediaries = 1%
First tranche = 250 BTC
Buyer mandate wants his fee agreement signed by seller first, then the following procedures.
1. A call with the actual buyer (us) and Actual Seller to make sure they truly agree on procedures and KYC needed.
2. KYC is exchanged and checked
3. POF via coins (we will do cash later, but we keep most money in coins for hedging purposes) and then POC. *If KYC is strong, we may push this step back and go right into the Norton Rose call.
4. Call with ESCROW and discussion to finalize SPA and Escrow Agreement.
5. Signing of SPA and Escrow Agreements
6. We put cash into Norton Rose worth 250 coins
7. Coins sent to our wallet
8. We send money to them via our Signature bank account.
9. If they have US banking, steps 7-8 are repeated 4-6 times a day with money staying on Norton Rose to maintain payment guarantee for the Seller.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 300K-500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net, Escrow2Escrow, Goodwin Procter, NY - Look For Seller
(Buyer : OFRA SAL-Linkl)
Post: 23.11.21
A buyer is looking for 300K-500K BTC @ -13% gross, -7% net
Buyer = 7%
Buyer side = 2%
Seller side = 2%
Intermediaries = 2% (Rxx + Fxx )(closed)
Escrow = paid by buyer and seller 50/50 equally.
First tranche =10,000 BTC
This transaction is strictly to be executed through Escrow to Escrow.
Proof of Funds (POF) and Proof of Coins (POC) will be conducted by the two escrows with authority of their Principals.
The Buyer and the Seller sign SPA. The Buyer and the Seller will forward to their escrow agents the exact transfer information and bank details of each party and their respective representatives.
Escrow agents must endorse the escrow agreement and must circulate the completed escrow agreement to their Principals, i.e., seller and buyer.
After execution of the Purchase Agreement, the Escrow Agreement and confirmation of POC, Buyer's Escrow shall transfer to Seller's Escrow the sum to be applied to the purchase of the first tranche of 10,000 BTC.
Both Escrow Agents shall then inform both the Buyer and the Seller of the deposit and receipt of the funds.
Seller's Escrow shall then place the first tranche of BTC directly into Buyer's wallet through Buyer's Escrow Agent. The Buyer, through his escrow agent, will provide the information of his BTC Wallet at the time of the execution of the Purchase Agreement.
Seller will provide proof of BTC after receiving confirmation from his Escrow Agent of availability of Buyer's funds.
Thereafter, the Buyer will confirm receipt of the tranche of BTC in its Wallet.
Upon receipt of the BTC tranche, Escrow Agent shall pay the consideration - price on www.bitcoin.com - to the Seller's account net of the 10% gross discount.
After sending the funds to the Seller, Seller's Escrow Agent shall pay the commissions according to the structure and representatives listed in the IMFPA in this Agreement. Seller's Escrow Agent shall pay such commissions by direct bank transfers in USD within 24 hours of receipt of funds from Buyer's Escrow Agent.
After payment of the entire first tranche to Buyer and payment of the commissions, each of the remaining tranches shall be replicated as in the first tranche until full execution of the Agreement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 300K-500K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Escrow2Escrow, Goodwin Procter, NYC - Look For Seller
Post: 21.11.21
A Buyer is looking for 300K-500K BTC @ -7%gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Escrow to escrow only
Buyer's escrow is Goodwin Procter
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 100K-240K BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net, B2B, MT103, Bank - Look For Seller
(Buyer : TRI PHO-tele)
Post: 20.11.21
A buyer is looking for 100K-240K BTC @ -10%gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.666%
Sellerside = 1.666%
Intermediary = 1.666%
1. Buyer and seller sign agreement - Buyer provide current statement account, POF valuable for EUR 500 -700Mio, after accepted POF. Seller provides wallet screen shot, minimum of 100 btc and Seller is providing Blockchain links valuable approx. 100,000 to 120`000 BTC, as Seller has so far POF VIDEO from EUR 500 to 700Mio (Blockchain links listed on page 3 of this contract).
2. Buyer and Seller fixing date/time for a Live Video Call. Seller sends Satoshi valuable on 100 EUR from a wallet with 150 BTC to the buyer. The buyer checks the Satoshi. After successful verification POF is performed (seller shows BTC contingents in his wallets via live video transmission). The first tranche of 150 BTC is completed according to the procedure see item 3, (pre-funding by buyer). The next day the parties meet again live - online for the next larger tranche/transfer (1000 BTC per day per wallet possible). After successful negotiation, the next tranches will be settled daily according to the contract.
3. Buyer within 4 hours after POF via VIDEO will pay for the first tranche 150 BTC to the seller nominated bank account via MT103 TURBO SWIFT and provides transfer slip.
4. Seller confirms funds in account cleared and send credited BTC to buyer wallet address.
5. Seller pay directly to his brokers and discount by BTC/FIAT
6. Next tranche continue until contract exhausted
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 500K+ BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net, Trust, Istanbul, Turkey - Look For Seller
(Buyer : TSA USEE-Gail)
Post: 18.11.21
An Institutional Buyer(Trust), is looking for 500K BTC @ -10%gross, -5% net
This is a sophisticated Institutional Buyer, who's listed on the Borsa Istanbul stock exchange.
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 2%
Sellerside = 2%
Intermediary = 1% (closed)
1. The Trust (BUYER) will open a USD Online Account for SELLER. The SELLER will receive Login credentials to see his account.
2. The BUYER shall credit SELLER's account with 100% USD equivalent of 5,000 BTC less Discount .
3. The SELLER shall transfer the BTCs to the Trust's designated Wallet .
4. The BUYER shall Credit/Debit USD to adjust to final Price. (Price is set as soon as the BTC hits THE BUYERS wallet)
5. The SELLER will send instructions through his online account to wire out the money.
We are direct to our Buyer. We can take whatever they have - huge appetite.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 500K BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net, Escrow, NY, USA - Look For Seller
Post: 12.11.21
A Buyer is looking for a genuine seller of 500K BTC @ -10%gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 2% (closed)
Sellerside = 2%
Intermediary = 1% (closed)
Can deal through these escrows:
Goodwin Procter in NY
Norton Rose Fullbright
Clifford Chance
Baker Mackenzie
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 5K-100K BTC @ -4.5% gross, -1.5% net, B2B, Signature Bank, USA - Look For Seller
Post: 9.11.21
A Buyer is looking for 5K-100K BTC @ -4.5%gross, -1.5% net
The buyer has a Signature bank Account
Looking for seller with Signature bank account
Buyer = 4.5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
Both buyer and seller will have a call to discuss rolls and extensions and to meet each other
➢ Step 1: Seller needs to send account details from their Signature Bank account, as well as a Proof of Coins, and buyer shall send Proof of Funds.
➢ Step 2: Buyer shall wire the tranche amount in [USD] to an escrow account at Signature Bank to be jointly determined in agreement between the two parties, hereafter referred to as “Escrow Agent”.
➢ Step 3: Escrow Agent shall confirm receipt of the deposited funds with written notification to the Parties.
➢ Step 4: Seller shall transfer the Tranche Number of Bitcoins to the Buyer’s Designated BTC Wallet with the Wallet Identification Number listed on page 3.
➢ Step 5: Buyer shall confirm to Escrow Agent and the Seller receipt of the Bitcoins in its designated Wallet.
➢ Step 6: The Buyer shall have twenty-four (24) hours in which to review and confirm the authenticity of the BTC. If the Buyer is unable to authenticate the BTC, it shall immediately notify the Escrow Agent and the Seller of such and the sale of the BTC will be terminated.
➢ Step 7: If the sales contract is terminated as per Step 5, the Escrow Agent shall immediately wire transfer the funds on deposit in the Escrow Account back to the Buyer without setoff or any deduction once the bitcoins of the tranche have been returned to the Seller. Otherwise, the Escrow Agent shall transfer the funds on deposit in the Escrow Account to the Seller’s account listed below.
➢ Step 8: Escrow Agent shall pay the sales commissions as per the instructions outlined herein in Exhibit H.
➢ Step 9: Repeat Steps 1-8 until this contract is complete for all 5,000-100,000 Bitcoins.
Other Preferred Procedural Conditions:
➢ The Buyer shall wire transfer its payment for the initial tranche of BTC within 48 hours of the signing of this Contract.
➢ For each sales tranche, Buyer shall notify Seller and Escrow Agent via email including a copy of the wire confirmation from the Buyer’s bank to Trustee for the Seller and the Escrow Agent.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Signature Bank, Escrow, Norton Rose, LA, US - Look For Seller
(Buyer : TDAU PLI-tele)
Post: 5.11.21
Buyer in US is looking for 100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
First tranche = 250 BTC
After NCND Fee agreement:
1. A call with the actual buyer (us) and Actual Seller to make sure they truly agree on procedures and KYC needed.
2. KYC is exchanged and checked
3. POF via coins (we will do cash later, but we keep most money in coins for hedging purposes) and then POC. *If KYC is strong, we may push this step back and go right into the Norton Rose call.
4. Call with ESCROW and discussion to finalize SPA and Escrow Agreement.
5. Signing of SPA and Escrow Agreements
6. We put cash into Norton Rose worth 250 coins
7. Coins sent to our wallet
8. We send money to them via our Signature bank account.
9. If they have US banking, steps 7-8 are repeated 4-6 times a day with money staying on Norton Rose to maintain payment guarantee for the Seller.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC @ -6% Gross, -3% Net, Norton Rose - Look For Seller
(Buyer : SPA...WAL-tele)
Post: 3.11.21
Buyer in Dubai/London is looking for 15K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net
I am direct to official mandate (Two partners and attorneys in France) of the buyer for this first transaction
Only with a top bank safe procedure
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.5% (open)
Sellerside = 1.5%
Meeting and signature to bank in Suisse, Luxembourg, Belgium, UK or France
Escrow account is possible
Seller to show POC and Wallet
Buyer can issue a collateral/payment guarantees like SBLC to get BTC, but it's only second choice.
Can be Deutsche Bank, UBS, JP Morgan, Barclays, HSBC, ...
Looking for seller with a safe and secure bank solution for the buyer.
Please submit a draft SPA to examine the terms.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 15K-60K BTC @ -8% Gross, -5% Net, France, Dubai, London - Look For Seller
(Buyer : SPA...WAL-tele)
Post: 3.11.21
Buyer in Dubai/London is looking for 15K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net
I am direct to official mandate (Two partners and attorneys in France) of the buyer for this first transaction
Only with a top bank safe procedure
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.5% (open)
Sellerside = 1.5%
Meeting and signature to bank in Suisse, Luxembourg, Belgium, UK or France
Escrow account is possible
Seller to show POC and Wallet
Buyer can issue a collateral/payment guarantees like SBLC to get BTC, but it's only second choice.
Can be Deutsche Bank, UBS, JP Morgan, Barclays, HSBC, ...
Looking for seller with a safe and secure bank solution for the buyer.
Please submit a draft SPA to examine the terms.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC with R&E @ -7% Gross, -4% Net, MT103/72, B2B - Look For Seller
(Buyer : SKEB TOU-gail)
Post: 2.11.21
Buyer is looking for 100K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Facilitators = 1%
First tranche = 20000 BTC
Seller sends a draft SPA. Within 24 hours, Buyer will fill out with Buyer´s required details, SIGN and return the SPA to the Seller. Within 24 hours, Seller will fill out all required details, SIGN and send back the SIGNED SPA on a PDF format.
Proof of funds (POF) - Buyer’s bank issues SWIFT MT199 as POF to the Seller’s bank.
Proof of coins (POC) - After Seller’s bank approves SWIFT MT199, Seller will perform Satoshi test.
Seller will show readiness to proceed for the first tranche by sending a Satoshi test from his wallet to Buyer´s wallet. Seller’s source wallet must contain at least 1,000 BTC.
Buyer’s bank makes conditional payment by Swift MT103/72 locked for 365 days with Face Value worth minimum 5,000 Bitcoins (BTC).
After confirmation by Seller’s bank of the MT103/72 Swift notification, Seller transfers Bitcoins to the Buyer’s wallet(s) for the amount stated in the Swift MT103/72 through BLOCKCHAIN at the rate of the day -4 % NET discount. The transfer of the first tranche (Schedule in “Annex A”) BTC must be realized within 72 hours after confirmation of Swift notification. All following tranches will be released within 24 hours.
After Buyer receives the BTC in his designated wallets and after SIX (6) confirmations of the Blockchain: Please select and check one checkbox. Buyer can choose either:
☐ Bank immediately releases the conditional funds Swift MT103/72 to Seller's bank account for current tranche.
☐ The Swift MT103/72 stays as collateral and the current tranche will be paid by Swift MT103.
The commission must be paid by Seller to the agents under the IMFPA ________ listed in “Annex D”, which is included in this agreement.
Upon completion of the transaction, both parties sign the affidavit of successful settlement.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 1,000,000 BTC with R&E @ -10% Gross, -5% Net, B2B, L2L, Europe - Look For Seller
(Buyer : QS..TM-gail)
Post: 1.11.21
Buyer is looking for 1,000,000 BTC @ -10% gross, -5% net
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.66%
Sellerside = 1.66%
Supplierside = 1.66%
First tranche = 20000 BTC
BUYER and Seller sign this SOP Agreement as per the procedures here below proposed
SELLER sends a draft of the final contract for possible amendments and acceptance of the Buyer who will have to return it duly signed.
Seller returns to Buyer the contract duly countersigned
Buyer shows a max three days old POF (sufficient also a screen shot from PC with a PW on paper).
Seller can provide a PWA (Public Wallet Address) of the smallest available wallet for the first Tranche for a forensic analysis and reversed Satoshi
If required, BUYER will send a formal invitation to Seller (Owner and/or Mandate and assistant/Lawyer) all cost inclusive.
The Seller reps will provide their docs and info such as: CIS and Passport, travel information, spoken Languages (Italian + English + French + Arabic)
Buyer and Seller shall sign this final Purchase Agreement.
Buyer shall show trustworthy proof of sufficient funds for the first tranche and R&E via an active recent bank account statement of EURO/USD (not older than 3 bank working days) in cash via screen or Letter of Attestation from the Buyer’s Lawyer via email to the Seller’s Lawyer (email to be provided).
Seller shall provide proof of coins POC as PWA to prove availability to the Buyer via screen or Letter of Attestation from the Seller’s Lawyer via email to the Buyer’s Lawyer (email to be provided) (the Public key allows already to perform a Forensic analysis or a reversed Satoshi on the wallet to be sent).
Buyer shall arrange with his bank all the procedures and activities to be ready to transfer by immediate wire bank transfer (i.e. MT103 GPI - TURBO SWIFT or GST – RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement) the amount of money (in EURO/USD) consistent with the concerned transaction.
Seller shall arrange, in order to be ready to give trustworthy evidence of his Bitcoin wallet, to guarantee Buyer on immediate transfer of the concerned Bitcoin (at the exchange rate indicated above in paragraph 2.1 withholding x% gross discount (or equivalent extra coins) once Buyer will give to his bank instructions of the bank transfer concerning the price to be paid and once such amount will be cashed in the seller’s bank account (normally within few minutes)
Once Buyer and Seller will mutually verify that previous points occurred, Seller shall transfer the first tranche of BTC and the following R&E, to the wallet of the Buyer immediately after having cashed the amount that the Buyer will instruct his bank to transfer to the Seller’s bank account indicated by the latter in accordance with the agreed tranche schedules.
Buyer and Seller will cooperate in good faith to facilitate the mutual verification of the requirements to perform and execute all the obligations of this agreement and in particular will not deny the other party to give access to information able to comfort other party on the fulfillment of all the obligation (including those ones preliminary to the transfer of the Bitcoins and of the price).
Upon receipt of the first tranche of Bitcoin (Initial Deposit) on the Buyer’s wallet, Buyer will instruct his bank to transfer money equal to the x% net discount to the broker’s bank (or their BTC wallets) according to the listed representatives in the IMFPA in “Annex C” in this agreement. For any avoidance of doubt, Parties agree that gross discount (9%) shall include net discount (5%) to be paid in favor of the involved brokers.
All payments shall be made via wire transfer or BTC.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 10-100 BTC Daily or More @ -3% Gross, -2% Net, Cash, Istanbul, Turkey - Look For Seller
(Buyer : SED...PRD-TELE)
Post: 31.10.21
Buyer is looking for 1-100 BTC @ -3% gross, -2% net
Buyers location:- Istanbul, Turkey
Buyer = 2%
Sellerside = 0.5%
Buyerside = 0.5%
F2F at buyers Exchange office
Payment: Cash
No time wasters or Jokers
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 5K-100K BTC @ -7.5% gross, -4.5% net, Signature Bank, USA - Look For Seller
(Buyer : KAD OCE-TELE)
Post: 29.10.21
A Buyer is looking for 100K BTC @ -8%gross, -5% net
Buyer pays for escrow fees.
Buyer = 4.5%
Buyerside = 1.5% (closed)
Sellerside = 1.5%
First tranche = 50 BTC
Step 1: Seller needs to send account details from their Signature Bank account, as well as a Proof of Coins, and buyer shall send Proof of Funds.
Step 2: Buyer shall wire the tranche amount in [USD] to an escrow account at Signature Bank to be jointly determined in agreement between the two parties, hereafter referred to as “Escrow Agent”.
Step 3: Escrow Agent shall confirm receipt of the deposited funds with written notification to the Parties.
Step 4: Seller shall transfer the Tranche Number of Bitcoins to the Buyer’s Designated BTC Wallet with the Wallet Identification Number listed on page 3.
Step 5: Buyer shall confirm to Escrow Agent and the Seller receipt of the Bitcoins in its designated Wallet.
Step 6: The Buyer shall have twenty-four (24) hours in which to review and confirm the authenticity of the BTC. If the Buyer is unable to authenticate the BTC, it shall immediately notify the Escrow Agent and the Seller of such and the sale of the BTC will be terminated.
Step 7: If the sales contract is terminated as per Step 5, the Escrow Agent shall immediately wire transfer the funds on deposit in the Escrow Account back to the Buyer without setoff or any deduction once the bitcoins of the tranche have been returned to the Seller. Otherwise, the Escrow Agent shall transfer the funds on deposit in the Escrow Account to the Seller’s account listed below.
Step 8: Escrow Agent shall pay the sales commissions as per the instructions outlined herein in Exhibit H.
Step 9: Repeat Steps 1-8 until this contract is complete for all 5,000-100,000 Bitcoins.
Other Preferred Procedural Conditions:
The Buyer shall wire transfer its payment for the initial tranche of BTC within 48 hours of the signing of this Contract.
For each sales tranche, Buyer shall notify Seller and Escrow Agent via email including a copy of the wire confirmation from the Buyer’s bank to Trustee for the Seller and the Escrow Agent.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 100K BTC @ -8% gross, -5% net, BitShield Wallet, MT 103/202, B2B, Bank2Bank, Germany, Europe - Look For Seller
Post: 23.10.21
A Buyer is looking for 100K BTC @ -8%gross, -5% net
Seller rep is direct to mandate
Buyer = 5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
First tranche = 500 - 1,000 or 5,000 BTC
The seller is able to provide formal proof of the possession / existence of the BTC (via lawyer / trustee / escrow) and hereby expressly declares this with the ID number .................... from his Bit Shield wallet. Since several transactions are agreed, the seller undertakes to load the Bit Shield Wallet with the corresponding number of BTCs before each transaction, to report this to the lawyer / trustee / escrow and buyer and to allow it to be checked.
The ID number ................... of the Bit Shield Wallet is at the same time the contract number and the purpose for all transfers. The ID number must never be changed!
The contract must be fulfilled and executed by ................ The exact date will be agreed individually between the parties.
The seller sells the bitcoins in his name or on behalf of a consortium that collects the bitcoins and makes them available in a BitShield wallet. As soon as the buyer has paid the down payment in the amount of the current purchase price into an escrow account. Only then can the final processing be allowed.
In the unlikely event that this security deposit is not 100% provided, the contract cannot be fulfilled because the Bitcoin offered will then not be available on the seller's wallet. Both parties already agree today that this sales contract will then be invalid.
In return, the seller hereby grants the buyer an irrevocable right of first refusal to all available Bitcon.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW : 5000 BTC @ -4.5% gross, -1.5% net, B2B, Signature Bank, USA - Look For Seller
Post: 21.10.21
A Buyer is looking for 5000 BTC @ -4.5%gross, -1.5% net
The buyer has a Signature bank Account
Looking for seller with Signature bank account
Buyer = 1.5%
Buyerside = 1.5%
Sellerside = 1.5%
2) Sign agreement with buyer, seller and the custodian Signature Bank
3) Transfer funds and bitcoins to the Custodian account.
4) Custodian do the rest as per agreement.
5) Custodian takes care of buyer and seller and make sure both are paid including brokers' fees.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 10000 - 4,000,000K BTC with R&E @ -11% gross, -7% net, Attorney, Escrow, IOLTA, Middle East, Geneva, Switzerland - Look For Seller
(Buyer : PKOS...TAS-TELE)
Post: 19.10.21
A buyer is looking for 10000-4,000,000K BTC @ -11% gross, -7% net
Buyer is located in Middle East gulf Countries. SPA takes place in Geneva Switzerland
Buyer has already acquired close to 1,000,000 of BTC and I am pressured ( my contact) to deliver a batch since PSA drafted ( activated) back in August.
The minimum 1000 BTC to a Maximum of 4,000,000 BTC, which is a long term goal of buying BTC
Buyer = 7%
Sellerside = 2% - minus escrow fees
Buyerside = 2% - minus escrow fees
First Tranche 1000 BTC
1.13. ESCROW AGENT shall exchange funds on account declaration and alert BUYER that he has BTC Wallet and ALL CODES in hand immediately upon receipt thereof.
1.14. BUYER hereby gives the official mandate to the LAW FIRM / COMPANY / TRUSTEE hereinafter referred to as “ESCROW AGENT” regarding this transaction. In case this mandate is provided separately via alternate communication, a copy of such mandate shall be attached to this agreement. ESCROW ATTORNEY signs the present agreement and assumes full escrow responsibility to the SELLER regarding the 100% payment of the funds for the BTC for each tranche agreed in this docu- ment.
1.15. SELLER shall establish a separate Wallet with the entire amount of each individual tranche according to ANNEX A
1.16. SELLER shall give a personal guarantee letter to the BUYER that he will be responsible for the whole process until BTC is delivered to BUYER.
1.17. Subsequently for ALL further tranches after the initial 10,000 BTC first tranche:
SELLER will within 10 (ten) minutes prior to each fixing time, deposit the BTC cold Wallet for the scheduled tranche (with passcodes and keys into the ESCROW ATTORNEY WALLET to verify the coin) into ATTORNEY ESCROW ACCOUNT. SELLER shall provide evidence of said deposit of BITCOINS.
The parties sign this sales contract (SPA) in advance by email. In addition, each individual contract page is initially confirmed with the abbreviation so that no changes can be made later by third parties. Copies will be exchanged via email. * In addition, the identity card is attached by all involved.
The BUYER will initiate funding the ATTORNEY ESCROW ACCOUNT first thing each day at approximately the open of banking hours for the FULL amount of the daily tranche schedule; then immediately upon verifying SELLER’S BTC cold Wal- let, the ESCROW ATTORNEY will verify to the SELLER that BUYER’S Funds for that Tranche are in the ESCROW ATTORNEY ACCOUNT ready to transact for that tranche.
The ESCROW ATTORNEY will confirm to the SELLER that the BUYER has depos- ited sufficient clean clear funds suiting each tranche, and that the ESCROW AT- TORNEY and bank is prepared to make payment for settlement less commissions to the SELLER by means of a wire or Ledger to Ledger.
1.18. SELLER shall initiate placement of the first tranche of the BTC cold Wallet directly to the ESCROW ATTORNEY WALLET. The BUYER has to pay both inter- mediaries commissions according to the IMFPA (Annex F). SELLER shall provide the individual BTC Wallet information (including passcodes and access data) for each tranche to execute this PURCHASE Agreement.
1.19. BUYER will change password and access data, etc. to take over the individual tranche cold Wallet.
1.20. SELLER shall provide evidence of confirmation of the BUYER’S FUNDS.
1.21. Steps 1.17.to 1.20. shall be repeated for subsequent tranches until all is completed.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
NEW: 75K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Lawyer, Norlaw, Germany - Look For Seller
(Buyer : AWIL...SEM-gail)
Post: 18.10.21
A buyer from Germany is looking for 75K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net
Buyer = 4%
Sellerside = 1%
Buyerside = 1%
Facilitators = 1%
Minimum = 3000 BTC
Buyer representative, NORLAW GmbH
BTC seller must sign contract and send it back to NORLAW GmbH, including CIS, passport copy and POC (Proof of Coins).
NORLAW GmbH, will do a short DD and the send an invitation to seller for TTM in lawyer`s office in Germany
During TTM NORLAW GmbH will show POF and BTC will be transferred into lawyer`s wallet (Details shown in draft contract). Alternative, BTC also can be forwarded via a Ledger Nano Stick. This detail can be discussed between the parties in TTM.
NORLAW GmbH arrange the immediate payment via money transfer to sellers account
Ownership of BTC will transferred to buyer (Buyer`s Wallet).
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577
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