" The pandemic has seen consumers adopt digital payments in increasing numbers and the trend was accelerating, said the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Christine Lagarde.
She also indicated a panel of euro-zone central bank officials is set to reveal a verdict on a European central bank digital currency (CBDC) imminently.
Speaking at an online conference hosted by Deutsche Bundesbank on Sept. 10, Lagarde, stated that EU residents had embraced digitalization, with e-commerce sales increasing roughly 20% between February and June, even as total retail sales declined 1.2%. She said the volume of online payments had experienced “double-digit growth rates” since the start of the outbreak." - Read Full Article
Source: Cointelegraph
-5% Gross, -3% Net, Bank
NEW: 50K BTC @ -5% Gross, -3% Net, Bank - Look For Buyer
(Seller : VM TS)
Post: 11.9.2020
A seller has 50K BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net.
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
First tranche = 1000 BTC
1. Buyer and seller sign agreement (buyer provide current statement account, seller provider wallet screen shot, minimum of 10.000.btc)
2. Buyer and seller schedule window time ,at window time seller share his wallet live video call and show the coin balance .
3. Buyer pay for the first tranche 1000 btc to the seller nominated bank account
4. Seller confirm fund and simultenously credit coin to buyer wallet address
5. Seller pay to his brokers and discount by btc/fiat
6. Next tranche continue until contract exhuasted
Interested parties should contact :
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)
Telegram @ OTCbidcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577