Bank of China
NEW: 30K-50K+ BTC @ -8% gross, -3% net, MT103, Bank2Bank, Bank of China, Shanghai, China - Look For Buyer
(Seller : XF...BR-Tele)
Post: 11.8.21
A seller is selling 30K-50K+ BTC @ -8% gross, -3% net ​
The partner is direct to the Seller
Buyer = 3%
Buyerside = 2.5%
Sellerside = 2.5% (closed)
30,000 - 34,999 = 4/2
35,000 - 49,999 = 6/3
50,000+ = 8/3
Seller with Bank of China
Buyer and seller shall sign the purchase agreement.
Buyer shall show proof of funds for the first tranche via an active recent bank account statement of United States dollars in cash via screen or email. Seller shall show a screen shot to the buyer via screen or email one of his/her wallets showing available btc for the tranche.
Seller shall provide Satoshi test to buyer
Seller shall conduct an A/B test for the first 100 coins. Buyer and Seller shall communicate as to the logistics of this test.
Buyer shall wire the purchase price to Seller per Seller’s instructions.
Upon receipt, Seller shall transfer the coins into Buyer’s designated wallet.
A 3% Non-performance penalties applied to both buyer and seller.
Interested parties should contact :
Telegram @OTCbiddotcom
Telegram: +1 (786) 632 8577