Kuala Lumpur
NEW: 300 -1000 BTC @ -4% gross, -1% net, Cash, F2F, Bank, Kuala Lumpur - Look For Seller
(Buyer : RM CP)
Post: 11.9.2019
I am direct to Buyer
A buyer is looking for 300 - 1000 BTC at -4% gross, -1% net
To buy: 300 – 1000 BTC
Mode of Product Delivery: Cash Drop Kuala Lumpur
Location of Cash Delivery: Not Decided until POC.
Face-2-Face meeting in downtown Kuala Lumpur
LOI, POC, opening wallet at face2face meeting, small test transaction
Purchase-Sale agreement
Parties to work out and agree with procedures
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K+ Up To 800K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong - Look For Seller
(Buyer : RJ CF)
Post: 11.9.2019
I am direct to Buyer Mandate
A buyer is looking for 100K BTC at -5% gross, -2% net with R&E
Bank: OCBC Singapore
Bank2bank, Face-2-Face meeting in Kuala Lumpur or Hong Kong
LOI, POC, Satoshi test, opening wallet at face2face meeting, small test transaction
Purchase-Sale agreement
Parties to work out and agree with procedures
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 21K+ BTC @ -0% Gross, +2% Net, Cash, F2F, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Look For Buyer
(Seller : AC...KS)
Post: 13.12.2019
Seller has 21K+ BTC at 0% gross, +2% net
Buyerside = 1%
Sellerside = 1%
Purchase procedure:
TTM, face to face deal.
Cash on the table
Seller checks the money and show coin
Seller send btc then take the cash
F2F. Hotel IN KL or anywhere its safe for the seller and buyer.
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -7% gross, -4% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Look For Buyer
(Seller : E P)
Post: 8.4.2019
The transaction is committed at face-2-face meeting in a bank in Kuala Lumpur. On the meeting Seller opens their wallet and proves control of it. Buyer performs express telegraphic transfer for the corresponding tranche of coins (as agreed), upon receipt of which Seller transfers bitcoins. No advanced submission of documents (KYC, LOI etc.) required to get started.​
Purchase procedure:
1. Buyer and Seller mandates arrange a call and discuss transaction terms and procedure.
2. Seller/Seller Signatory will forward their drafted MOU to the Buyer for confirmation prior to contract. Buyer
should review the MOU, insert their details, sign it and send back to Seller.
3. Once the MOU is agreed (needs to be done in 24 hours after submission), the SPA will be provided to the Buyer
with agreed terms and conditions. Buyer needs to sign 2 copies and provide one signed copy to the Seller
during transaction day face-to-face meeting.
4. Before flying to Kuala Lumpur, Buyer needs to copy the ticket to Seller side as final confirmation of their
itinerary. For this trade, maximum 2 (two) people from Buyer side will be allowed.
5. On transaction day, Buyer and Seller will meet inside bank with signed SPA copies and one copy will be
provided to Seller. If Investment Agreement is needed, it will be signed only face to face.
6. Seller will show the wallet, will log-in and open it to show the coins and prove he has access to it.
7. Buyer will start transaction by first sending funds (express telegraphic transfer is preferred) from his bank
account to the Seller’s OCBC Singapore Bank Account. Once the funds are cleared into Seller’s account, Seller
will send the coins.
8. After completion of successful transactions for that particular day, the commissions for both Buyer and Seller
side will be transacted by Seller to the allocated paymaster.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 2.4.2019
The seller is a private BTC holder from Malaysia. The transaction is executed during personal meeting of Seller and Buyer in a bank in Kuala Lumpur. Proof of coins is provided also at the meeting. Proof of funds is not required.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 25000 BTC (5000 BTC minimum tranche size)
Amount (max), BTC: 100000 BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Gross : -5%
Net : -2%
Bank: OCBC Singapore
Purchase procedure:
Type: bank2bank
Escrow: n/a
LOI: Yes
POF type: n/a
POC type: Opening wallet at face2face meeting
Agreement type: Purchase-Sale agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The transaction is committed at face-2-face meeting in a bank in Kuala Lumpur. On the meeting Seller opens their wallet and proves control of it. Buyer performs express telegraphic transfer for the corresponding tranche of coins (as agreed), upon receipt of which Seller transfers bitcoins. No advanced submission of documents (KYC, LOI etc.) required to get started.
1. Buyer and Seller mandates arrange a call and discuss transaction terms and procedure.
2. Seller/Seller Signatory will forward their drafted MOU to the Buyer for confirmation prior to contract. Buyer should review the MOU, insert their details, sign it and send back to Seller.
3. Once the MOU is agreed (needs to be done in 24 hours after submission), the SPA will be provided to the Buyer with agreed terms and conditions. Buyer needs to sign 2 copies and provide one signed copy to the Seller during transaction day face-to-face meeting.
4. Before flying to Kuala Lumpur, Buyer needs to copy the ticket to Seller side as final confirmation of their itinerary. For this trade, maximum 2 (two) people from Buyer side will be allowed.
5. On transaction day, Buyer and Seller will meet inside bank with signed SPA copies and one copy will be provided to Seller. If Investment Agreement is needed, it will be signed only face to face.
6. Seller will show the wallet, will log-in and open it to show the coins and prove he has access to it.
7. Buyer will start transaction by first sending funds (express telegraphic transfer is preferred) from his bank account to the Seller’s OCBC Singapore Bank Account. Once the funds are cleared into Seller’s account, Seller will send the coins.
8. After completion of successful transactions for that particular day, the commissions for both Buyer and Seller side will be transacted by Seller to the allocated paymaster.
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited
NEW: 100K BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Bank2Bank, F2F, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Look For Buyer
(Seller : M S)
Post: 1.4.2019
The seller is a private BTC holder from Malaysia. The transaction is executed during personal meeting of Seller and Buyer in a bank in Kuala Lumpur. Proof of coins is provided also at the meeting. Seller transfers the coins first, so the Buyer remains safe at all stages. Proof of funds is not required.
I am direct to Seller Mandate
Amount (min), BTC: 25000 BTC (5000 BTC minimum tranche size)
Amount (max), BTC: 100000 BTC
Rate: blockchain.com
Gross : -5%
Net : -2%
Bank: OCBC Singapore
Purchase procedure:
Type: bank2bank
Escrow: n/a
LOI: Yes
POF type: n/a
POC type: Satoshi test, opening wallet at face2face meeting, small test transaction
Agreement type: Purchase-Sale agreement
Face-2-Face meeting: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The transaction is committed at face-2-face meeting. Buyer arrives to the meeting and brings a wallet with no less than 5,000 BTC which will be used as the collateral. On the meeting both Buyer and Seller open their wallets and prove each other control of it. Having the collateral presented, Seller starts transferring bitcoins in the amount not higher than the collateral. Then Buyer performs wire transfer for the coins received. No advanced submission of documents (KYC, LOI etc.) required to get started.
1. Buyer and Seller mandates arrange a call and discuss transaction terms and procedure.
2. Seller/Seller Signatory will forward their drafted MOU to the Buyer for confirmation prior to contract. Buyer should review the MOU, insert their details, sign it and send back to Seller.
3. Once the MOU is agreed (needs to be done in 24 hours after submission), the SPA will be provided to the Buyer with agreed terms and conditions. Buyer needs to sign 2 copies and provide one signed copy to the Seller during transaction day face-to-face meeting.
4. Before flying to Kuala Lumpur, Buyer needs to copy the ticket to Seller side as final confirmation of their itinerary. For this trade, maximum 2 (two) people from Buyer side will be allowed. Buyer needs to fly with minimum 5000 Bitcoins Blockchain wallet that will be acting as collateral. (Refer to Step 6).
5. On transaction day, Buyer and Seller will meet inside bank with signed SPA copies and one copy will be provided to Seller. If Investment Agreement is needed, it will be signed only face to face. Blockchain wallets with tranche equivalent to first tranche will be presented. Both parties will show each other wallets where following checks will be made:
a. Balance of the Wallet.
b. Wallet Address Verification on Blockchain.
c. Imported Address.
d. Sending Option Balance
6. After successful verification of the blockchain wallets, Seller will start transaction by first sending coins to the Buyers wallet while making sure the equal number of coins are under the possession of Buyer and under his control that will be acting as a collateral where if the payment is halted immediately the coins can be returned back to the Seller.
7. Immediately after confirmation of transacted coins to the Buyer’s wallet, Buyer will immediately start transacting funds from his bank account to the Seller’s OCBC Singapore Bank Account and both parties will only proceed to next tranche once the funds are cleared into Seller’s account.
8. After completion of successful transactions for that particular day, the commissions for both Buyer and Seller side will be transacted by Seller to the allocated paymaster
Interested parties should contact:
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptobanklimited