" This is an explosive technical setup. BTC repriced as predicted around $11,000-$12,000 and depending on how you analyze the equilibrium it has been trading at, is making a good stab at breaking out to another big run upwards.
You might say it has happened and that the equilibrium range closed and now it is on the way up again, but that is an aggressive reading. A breakout is a 20% chance and thinking this is it, is at best 50/50, but a break above $14,000 would push it to 75% or to me optically as a dead cert. Let’s just say bitcoin above $14,000 will see me cracking open a nice Claret." - Read Full Article
Source: Forbes
1K up to 100K BTC Buyer In HK
-4% Gross . -2% net . F2F . B2B . HK
Look For Seller Mandate Only - OTCbid.com
NEW: 1K up to 100K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, F2F, B2B, Hong Kong - Look For Seller
(Buyer: AR KK)
Post: 11.7.2019
Buyer rep is direct to Buyer Mandate
New buyer in Hong Kong wants to buy 1K - 100K BTC @ -4% gross, -2% net, 2% brokers.
Buyer side = 1 %, Seller side = 1 %
Face to Face or Bank to Bank in Hong Kong
Interested parties should contact :
WhatsApp : +1 786 254 6589
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