" Many crypto analysts expect the next uplift for crypto to be spurred on by institutional investors.
In that regard, the hopes for Bakkt were reinvigorated by the news that it has pulled in $182.5 million from investors in its first fund raise. This comes despite delays in the launch of its physical bitcoin futures product due to the ongoing US government shut down.
“Bitcoin will boom again in a year and blockchain/cryptocurrencies and other applications will define the next 25 years in the same way as online/dotcom has defined the last 25,” Chambers claimed. " - Gary McFarlane - Read Full Article
Source: ethereumworldnews.com
200K BTC Buyer In Europe
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Seller Mandate Only - OTCbid.com
NEW: 200K+ BTC @ -5% gross, -2% net, Deutsche Bank, Europe - Look For Seller
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Post: 5.1.2019
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