" The secure custody of cryptocurrencies is enormously important for the progress of adoption and the confidence of the population in digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum or XRP. In the United States of America, it was previously reserved for companies such as Coinbase or Gemini to store cryptocurrencies for their customers. Until now, a government license was required to offer this service.
US banks may hold cryptocurrencies for their customers
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has now published a new letter that clarifies that all licensed banks in the US are allowed to offer custodial services for cryptocurrencies. The letter, dated July 22, 2020, was written by Jonathan Gould, Senior Deputy Comptroller and Senior Counsel, and states in detail that any bank in the country may store and manage the cryptographic keys for wallets for its customers." - Read Full Article
Source: crypto-news-flash.com
-8% Gross, -2% Net, Bank, Turkey
Look For Seller Mandate Only
NEW: 60K BTC @ -8% Gross, -2% Net, Bank, Turkey - Look For Seller
(Buyer : VA SA)
Post: 24.7.2020
I'm direct to rep who is direct to mandate of btc buyer
A new buyer wishes to buy 60K BTC at -8% gross, -2% net
Buyerside = 3 %
Sellerside = 3 %
1. BTC provider will send Satoshi from his main wallet to Euro provider’s wallet .
2. Both parties will sign contract .
3. Euro provider will send fund by MT 199/103-72 to BTC provider
By sending MT199/103 will transfer money to BTC provider account and then after receiving BTC to Euro provider he will release money by 72 .
Bank in Turkey
First tranche 1000-10000 BTC
Interested parties should contact :
Text Now: +1 (786) 438 2844
DM Raymond Chai (on Linkedin)