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NEW: 7 BTC Buyers  - Look For Sellers

(Buyer 1)

Post: 16.12.2018


  • 1) Kingdom Trust ( 500K btc required)

  • 2) Credit Suisse Switzerland ( 200K)

  • 3) Frick Bank Liechtenstein ( 100K)

  • 4) HSBC UK( have 7B cash oil company )

  • 5) Barclays UK( 50M worth bitcoins required)




Seller Mandate only 


Interested parties should contact : 




NEW: 900K BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, Gtes, Volantis - Look For Seller

(Buyer 1)

Post: 7.11.2018


  • 7. I have buyer  looking for 900K btc.

  • Do you have any sellers on Gtes and Volantis. Any match?

  • He can buy less than 900K btc.


Seller Mandate only 


Interested parties should contact : 






Post: 15.10.2018


NEW: 500K BTC @ -5% gross, -3% net, Etana, Lmax, Legacy Trust, Denton, Kraken - Look For Seller

(Buyer 1)

Post: 15.10.2018


  • Buyer wants to buy 500K btc, -5% -3net

  • Buyer rep has spoken to buyer mandate,

  • Buyer can submit the LOI

  • As soon as seller accept their procedure they can provide the POF Live account, no problem

  • If they accept the procedure, buyer will go to lawyer to show POF.

  • POF of 500,000 coin is not small amount.

  • Buyer of 500,000 coin is a billionaire.

  • Seller send the procedure. Let see if is acceptable by buyer.

  • Then we will get back to you. Thanks


  • We need BTC seller on boarded any of the following escrow:
    Legacy Trust
    Dentons escrow Singapore

  • If seller is onboarded any of the following escrow and has code, buyers are already onboarded and they have code as well.

  • Minimum -3% gross 2%net to buyer, anything above that is Commission to share.

  • He's buyer is capable of 500k BTC above


Buyer Mandate only 


Interested parties should contact : 




1. 850K Buyer  HK and a Buyer in Germany 7/4 NDA sign by seller - Send your clear Procedures


2. Buyer Trezor Wallet 70K BTC - 3 Net 


3. 500K BTC 7/4 50K Per Day Tranches - Double Signature Waller Procedure - 3 Party Verification W Escrow -No Satoshi . Buyer Funds in the Bahamas

4.  500K_ Sports Group - Net 6 Required - Seller needs to show KYC since they are regulated. They can show POF and LOI

5. Buyer - 1-2 Million Coins / Gross -8 / net -4

If buyer send MT199 as POF
Seller will send Satoshi

If buyer sends LOA as POF
Seller will send LOA as POC



This is for 100K with R/E – it can be changed
The MT799 must be in place for 13 months (although after 3 months the buyer can cancel, they just need to let us know). The reason for this is explained below*
You cannot monetize an MT799, we are using our own funds as cover payment
We run a 15-day cycle of moving coins from cold to hot – this is vital to cover point 5 and the rate we can guarantee


On day 1 we set the strike rate which will be the rate the buyer pays for the entire length of the contract, so for 13 months, the price won’t increase from say $7,000. If it ‘doubles’ during this period, we have a right to cancel the contract or set a new price. If it drops below, we will honor that price as we push the coins.
We can agree to set a higher discount for these deals IF the deal is for 200K btc and above (the more coins we move from cold storage the better for us on price)

A typical 200K deal structure with Rolls & Extensions:


MT799 is delivered, checked & verified – new wallet address is created for buyer
Within 72 hours, 2% of the total contracted amount delivered to the new wallet
Within 10 business days we deliver 48% of the total contracted to the new wallet
Within 15 business days and from that day forward we can move as fast as the blockchain will allow – moving coins to the new wallet
When the buyer requires the private key of the new wallet we will supply, completing the transaction




The buyer will receive an invoice after the 15-day cycle for the coins with a 60-day payment term
The buyer after that 60th day can then decide if they wish to cancel the MT799 and pay the outstanding invoice or just pay the invoice when its arrive and continue on with the block and purchase more coins

*We require an initial 13 month block (which can be cancelled after 3 months), this is for longer term BTC buyers with multiple tranches, if the buyer just wants the block in place for a few weeks then this program isn’t a good option.


Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions/comments.

6. 500K  6/4 Buyer ready to sign IMFPA. Open for Procedures

7.  Buyer looking for 250 k BTC at 6/4 with a satoshi.  -

8. OTC exchange looking for a -5 net and will start with 20 K BTC and go to 150 K BTC per week , they will need KYC/AML on the seller as they are regulated as well


Interested parties should contact :







NEW:  300K+ BTC @ Any % Discount, US or London - Look For Seller  

(Seller 1)  


  • Do you have any sellers that can meet face to face in US or London, (any discount, 300k+BTCs)?


Interested parties should contact :




New Buyers 09/06/18



BB.1.  250K BTC - 6/4 Discount. Exchange.  Escrow TD Trust.  See BB.1 Docs attached.



BB.2. 500K - Royal Escrow / Canada 



BB.3. 30K Btc 8/4 Buyer. Open and Flexible.



BB.4.  1 MM BTC Buyer 7/4 - Ask for more info


NEW: 180K BTC @ 5% gross, 2% net, Legacy Escrow - Look For Seller

(Buyer 1)


BB.5. Buyer on board with Legacy Escrow  180K  5/2 Discount. We are Direct To Mandate.


Procedures for selling and buying bitcoins :


  • 1. Letter of Intent (LOI) to be given by Buyer to the Seller.

  • 2. Buyer provides proof of funds to the Seller.

  • 3. Seller provides to Buyer proof of coins (POC) and proof of control, also (POC).

  • 4. Seller and Buyer enter into Sale and Purchase Agreement for the bitcoins (SPA). Seller and Buyer will agree on the completion date. Seller and Buyer will decide on the way to decide the price of the bitcoins in the SPA.

  • 5. Seller, Buyer and solicitors enter into an Escrow Agreement for holding the purchase money in escrow by solicitors.

  • 6. Buyer pays to solicitors the purchase money to hold as escrow.

  • 7. Seller transfers the bitcoins to the wallet of the Buyer.

  • 8. Solicitor releases the purchase money to the Seller, this is the procedures from Lawyer.


See BB.5 Docs full LOI, NCNDA etc issued when request.


Interested parties should contact : 




BB.6. 3 Buyers 2%-3% Net on Legacy Escrow HK - Ask for info.



BB.7. Buyer 500-100K BTC +  7/5. Buyer is an OTC Exchange. See procedures and LOI attached/ Docs BB.7



BB.8 800K BTC Buyer with LMAX escrow/ Special Code Available for quick On boarding.

Special “Multi-Sig-Wallet” for Sellers/Only releases coin once funds received.

Fully insured transactions./ Min Target -2% Net / Gross TBD

London Buyers/ Min Tranche 1000

Direct access to Mandate.



BB.9  250k BTC Buyer  - LMAX Escrow / 4/2 /Can do: 10 tranches in 9 business days.


BB.10  100K 7/4 With Escrow. US buyer. Attorney in CA for the buyer






1A. We have a large bitcoin buyer (200,000 total  first tranche - whatever seller wants)


in UK who agreed to visit seller in Spain to look at his bit coins and then move money.


Also we have attached two offers.


See attached Buyer Docs



2A.  500k Buyer from Taiwan/  has LOI . Wants a satoshi . Can move quickly. Discount - we still need to verify




1.  2 MM BTC Buyer - Net 5.  See procedures attached  Buyer Docs



2.  European Buyer Interested in buying 6/4 rate - 200K BTC



3.  50K BTC / 12 Discount



Buyer requirement:


Bitcoin quantities by tranches of 500 to 50,000 BTCs. And of 50,000 to 1

million BTCs.


Net discounts: -12%


8% for purchase

4% for commission


Escrow or bank to bank


*Send your draft sales contract with evidence of the existence of






4.  25K - 100K BTC   2-3% discount  / F2F 


5. In Processing


6. In Processing 


7.  3 MM BTC Buyer See #7 Docs



8. Buyers General


8.1  MI have a new buyer (mandate)in the USA that would like to purchase

30,000 Bitcoins from this seller. I sent them the information below and

they asked for more details regarding the discount breakdown. Please





9.  1 MM BTC Buyer - 6 New - TMF Escrow/Optional



1 MM +  BTC  Buyer from HK/Mandae from Spain. 10K Per Tranch

Discount is 6 Gross . Inst.

The buyer is a Platform,located in HK, interested in large quantities of  BTC,even more than 1.Mio.

The buyer is very flexible and can assist the seller. If is needed them can meet in lawyer office or bank.

Buyer as a first step ,request one Attorney Attestation from seller lawyer,without the seller details, where is confirmed :

- Quantity total

- Discount

 - Seller is ready to to show Proof of Bitcoins against Buyer POF.

More details are in proposal.

 Please let the seller to make his remarks in the buyer proposal.

 If the seller agree with this conditions,before delivery A.A, we can organized the CC.




           Buyer Banks :


 Standard Chartered Bank        Limited (SINGAPORE, HK)



 First Gulf Bank (FGB) Dubai

 Dubai Islamic Bank.


See Buyer9 Docs


10. US Based Fund Looking to purchase via DVP / 30 BB fund


11. In processing


12. Institutional Buyer will buy any seller  W  6/7 %  Net  to 10 % Gross


13. BTC US buyer / Want to Purchase 30K BTC  via Escrow  / can provide POF of 150MM + / Can move quickly


14. 500K BTC Buyer / From Canada / Prefer Royal Escrow 



15. 25kbtc-100kbtc 2-3% discount and meet f2f in nyc/Will show pof


Its an institution/Can’t disclose who the buyer is.


Escrow is OK and preferred.

He could agree to multiple procedures. They can discuss that during the call, and work everything out during the meeting.


16. 250k buyer in Hong Kong.  Chinese company represented by U.K. hedge fund.  Can you find deal for face 2 face in Hong Kong. The buyer is active and this will move fast.  They want a live wallet during meetup.




buyer-will buy all you have in tranches 3 times a week,



See file Buyer17 docs



18. Buyer 

   The buyer is a hedge fund and is looking for 400K.

   Buyer will need a blocked message from wallet with over 10% of the BTC wanted.

   For block message. Wallet: 1NdJUmoJBcAwLNZNEiTb6Few2EZRMt nZfw msg: GS70555

  Funds are located in HSBC UK Preferred escrow : Kingdom trust/Itbit/UBP bank

   Let me know if the block message can be sent and then the deal should just roll through.



19.Buyer/Casino Group - up to 1.5 MM BTC  / 6 Net   - Funds in Escrow / Register with their Escrow / 3 BB ready / "TPS" / Transactional Protocol Systems 

Seller register - Buyer release funds first - then Block the Funds - Seller will show POC - Guarantee for Coins 

See procedures - Attached  19 Docs 



20. ** NEW BUYER from CANADA*** - 5K coins - open for any procedures and Discount !



21. 500K Buyer with DVP Procedure and a Signed Message . 30 BB US Fund




22.  Buyer - 100K 


Buyer of Cryptocurrencies Bitcoins

(BTC), being interested in the purchase a quantity of No. 100,000.00 (One hundred thousand

00) Cryptocurrencies Bitcoins (BTC).

The Buyer is based in Berlin (DE) where he will invite by Letter the Seller to finalize the operation.

The buyer request a Proof of Property sending a Satoshi on this address:



23.  Buyer 10K-100K BTC @ -6% gross, -3% net, Europe - Look For Seller


Buyer is a major client from Europe


Look for 10K BTC initially. If it goes well, buyer is ready to buy more 45K - 100K plus btc.


-6% gross, -3% net, 2% consultants,-1% Escrow


Escrow, Bank2Bank, flexible deal.



24. 50K BTC Per Tranch Buyer - 8/4


The buyer is one of, if not, the largest platform organization empowered to purchase the Bitcoin crypto currency globally. However their procedure is very simple, safe, secured and guaranteed to protect both buyer and seller investment all the way to completion of the transaction successfully and speedily. 


Also the Buyer is looking for guaranteed deal of not less than 8/4 or better. The buyer can handle up to 50,000 BTC per tranch in several tranches per day. 


Our buyer have structured a very great turnkey system. A process that uses a third party to smoothly conduct full compliance setup to transact this business... with a GUARANTEED INSURANCE of up to $2 billion dollars per tranch. 


schedule a call with our buyer, lead compliance officer with your seller/lead compliance officer to answer any questions and concerns that their seller may have.




25. New Buyer wants to buy 1000 BTC per Day / Open Re procedures









1A. We have a large bitcoin buyer (200,000 total  first tranche - whatever seller wants)
in UK who agreed to visit seller in Spain to look at his bit coins and then move money.
Also we have attached two offers.

See attached Buyer Docs

2A.  500k Buyer from Taiwan/  has LOI . Wants a satoshi . Can move quickly. Discount - we still need to verify


1.  2 MM BTC Buyer - Net 5.  See procedures attached  Buyer Docs

2.  European Buyer Interested in buying 6/4 rate - 200K BTC

3.  50K BTC / 12 Discount

Buyer requirement:

Bitcoin quantities by tranches of 500 to 50,000 BTCs. And of 50,000 to 1
million BTCs.

Net discounts: -12%

8% for purchase
4% for commission

Escrow or bank to bank

*Send your draft sales contract with evidence of the existence of


4.  25K - 100K BTC   2-3% discount  / F2F 

5. In Processing

6. In Processing 

7.  3 MM BTC Buyer See #7 Docs

8. Buyers General

8.1  MI have a new buyer (mandate)in the USA that would like to purchase
30,000 Bitcoins from this seller. I sent them the information below and
they asked for more details regarding the discount breakdown. Please


9.  1 MM BTC Buyer - 6 New - TMF Escrow/Optional


1 MM +  BTC  Buyer from HK/Mandae from Spain. 10K Per Tranch. Discount is 6 Gross . Inst.


The buyer is a Platform,located in HK, interested in large quantities of  BTC,even more than 1.Mio.
The buyer is very flexible and can assist the seller. If is needed them can meet in lawyer office or bank.
Buyer as a first step ,request one Attorney Attestation from seller lawyer,without the seller details, where is confirmed :
- Quantity total
- Discount
 - Seller is ready to to show Proof of Bitcoins against Buyer POF.
More details are in proposal.
 Please let the seller to make his remarks in the buyer proposal.
 If the seller agree with this conditions,before delivery A.A, we can organized the CC.

           Buyer Banks :

 Standard Chartered Bank        Limited (SINGAPORE, HK)

First Gulf Bank (FGB) Dubai
 Dubai Islamic Bank.

See Buyer9 Docs


10. US Based Fund Looking to purchase via DVP / 30 BB fund


11. In processing


12. Institutional Buyer will buy any seller  W  6/7 %  Net  to 10 % Gross


13. BTC US buyer / Want to Purchase 30K BTC  

via Escrow  / can provide POF of 150MM + / Can move quickly


14. 500K BTC Buyer / From Canada / Prefer Royal Escrow 

15. 25kbtc-100kbtc 2-3% discount and meet f2f in nyc/Will show pof

Its an institution/Can’t disclose who the buyer is.

Escrow is OK and preferred.
He could agree to multiple procedures. They can discuss that during the call, and work everything out during the meeting.


16. 250k buyer in Hong Kong.  Chinese company represented by U.K. hedge fund.  

Can you find deal for face 2 face in Hong Kong. The buyer is active and this will move fast.  They want a live wallet during meetup.

17.  PRIVATE BUY-SELL BITCOIN AGREEMENT gross 8/6 net to buyer

-will buy all you have in tranches 3 times a week,

See file Buyer17 docs

18. Buyer - The buyer is a hedge fund and is looking for 400K.
   Buyer will need a blocked message from wallet with over 10% of the BTC wanted.
   For block message. Wallet: 1NdJUmoJBcAwLNZNEiTb6Few2EZRMt nZfw msg: GS70555
  Funds are located in HSBC UK Preferred escrow : Kingdom trust/Itbit/UBP bank
   Let me know if the block message can be sent and then the deal should just roll through.

19.Buyer/Casino Group - up to 1.5 MM BTC  / 6 Net  

Funds in Escrow / Register with their Escrow / 3 BB ready / "TPS" / Transactional Protocol Systems 
Seller register - Buyer release funds first - then Block the Funds - Seller will show POC - Guarantee for Coins 
See procedures - Attached  19 Docs 

20. ** NEW BUYER from CANADA*** - 5K coins

open for any procedures and Discount !

21. 500K Buyer with DVP Procedure and a Signed Message . 30 BB US Fund



Interested parties should contact : 







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