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AI Prompt


The 10 favourite strategies to get the best results when prompting ChatGPT or Bard etc:

1. Clarity
• Include the relevant context to reduce ambiguity.
• Example: “I'm an 8th-grade math teacher preparing to teach trigonometry.”

2. Specificity
• The more specific you are, the closer you get to your desired answer.
• Example: “Design a lesson plan tailored for a 60-minute session with 20 students.”

3. Open-ended
• Allowing ChatGPT to think outside the box can yield richer results that were non-obvious from the outset.
• Example: “Can you also recommend some creative, real-world examples to make the lesson more engaging for my students?”

4. Persona
• Adopting a persona ensures the model’s output is specific, relevant and useful to the target audience.
• Example: Instead of “Write me a short story”, ask “You are J.K Rowling. Write me a short story about magic.”

5. Output format
• You can ask for a summary, detailed explanations or even checklists.
• Example: “I’m applying for a job as a data scientist. Create a checklist for how I can best prepare.”

6. Context
• Provide ChatGPT with background information surrounding the topic at hand.
• Example: “Here's a transcript from the Huberman Lab podcast {insert transcript from YouTube}. What does it say about physiological sighs?”

7. Examples
• Providing examples to ChatGPT is a great way for the model to learn style and tone.
• Example: “Here’s an example of an email response in my writing style: {insert example email}. Use my writing style to reply to the following message: {insert email}.”

8. Style
• Define the framework for your response.
• Example: Whilst “Describe the solar system” might give you a paragraph, “List the planets in the solar system” provides a clear, organised response.

9. Audience
• Every audience is unique, with its own set of requirements. A child might need a simple, engaging explanation, while a professional might seek technical details.
• Example: “Explain the concept of machine learning to me like I’m a 5-year-old.”

10. Length
• Control the brevity and detail of the information you receive.
• Example: “Write me a traditional Japanese haiku about the importance of prompt engineering with ChatGPT.”


Credit / By: Alex Banks

AI Prompt Generators:

The top AI art generators in 2024

The 18 Best AI Architecture Generators of 2024 - neuroject

AI Architecture: 15 Breathtaking Modern Residences (Prompts Included) - architizer

Free AI Courses:

OpenAI and Microsoft have released free courses on AI. - Leonanrd 

Google, Harvard, and more are offering AI courses - Madhu Simhadri

​Learn AI for free and get certified! Check out these FREE AI resources - Leonard Rodman

Free IBM Certifications & Courses AI DATA etc you can't miss in 2024 - Gary

Google, Harvard, and more are offering FREE AI courses (no payment required) - Joerg

Here are FREE courses to master AI in 2024 - Vlad

Amazon is offering the best AI courses for free. - Roni

Google, Harvard, and more are offering FREE AI courses (no payment required) Here are 8 FREE courses to master AI in 2024: - Paul

NVIDIA released 11 FREE AI courses👇 - Endrid

Google offer free data analytics online courses - Su

Here is the list of 7 Free one's𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐀𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐄𝐎'𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐑'𝐬!
Generative AI

IBM is offering free AI courses - Artur Sossin

Google AI has just published ten new courses on free AI - Paul S

NVIDIA has released 8 free courses on AI: - Rubén D

NVIDIA launched FREE courses in AI. - Alamin Hossain

NVIDIA recently released FREE courses on AI. Here are 6 best courses - Hamna A

Free AI Tools:

Forget ChatGPT. You can now use the best AI models for FREE in one place. - Shushant Lakhyani

𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐀𝐈 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 - Generative AI

AI Deep Fake Scams


How deep fakes scammed clerk for $26 million in Zoom - Aram

Web 3 . NFT


10 web3 tutorials, Create, build, mint an NFT Marketplace - Glenn Rachlin

How to start Web 3 project? - YouTube


Digital Assets




Art can definitely be a digital asset. In fact, the rise of digital technologies and blockchain has opened up exciting new possibilities for creating, owning, and trading art in the digital realm. Here's how:

Forms of digital art:

  • Digital paintings and illustrations: Created using specialized software or tablets, these works can be just as expressive and impactful as traditional physical art.

  • 3D models and animation: Breathtaking animations and immersive 3D models offer unique artistic experiences and have potential applications in various fields like gaming or virtual reality.

  • Generative art: Algorithmic processes and artificial intelligence can be used to create unique and dynamic artworks, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression.

  • Digital collectibles and NFTs: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) allow for the creation of unique digital assets, including art, that can be securely owned, traded, and tracked on blockchain networks.

Benefits of digital art as an asset:

  • Accessibility and reach: Digital art is easily shared and distributed online, reaching a wider audience than traditional physical works. This can benefit both artists and collectors.

  • Reproducibility and modification: Digital artwork can be easily reproduced and modified without losing quality, opening up creative possibilities for remixes, collaborations, and interactive experiences.

  • Security and ownership: Blockchain technology provides secure and transparent ownership records for digital assets like NFTs, reducing the risk of forgery or fraud.

  • Fractional ownership: NFTs can be divided into smaller units, allowing for fractional ownership and democratizing access to valuable artworks.

Challenges to consider:

  • Technological barriers: Not everyone has access to the technology or skills needed to create or interact with digital art.

  • Copyright and ownership issues: Clear legal frameworks for digital art ownership and copyright are still evolving, requiring careful consideration to ensure fair practices.

  • Environmental impact: Creating and storing digital art can have an environmental footprint due to energy consumption. Sustainable solutions are crucial for responsible long-term development.

Overall, digital art presents a dynamic and promising landscape for artists, collectors, and investors. While challenges remain, the potential for innovation, accessibility, and secure ownership makes digital art a compelling form of asset in the evolving world of technology and art.


Architecture as a digital asset:

  • Digital representations: Building plans, 3D models, and virtual simulations of architectural projects are valuable digital assets used in design, construction, and presentation. These elements can be owned, licensed, and traded, holding both creative and intellectual property value.

  • Data-driven design: Architectural data used in building information modeling (BIM) and other software offers insights for optimizing buildings, analyzing performance, and even generating new design possibilities. This data can be considered a valuable digital asset with potential application in various fields.

  • Virtual experiences: Immersive 3D models and VR simulations of buildings can act as digital assets used for virtual tours, marketing, and even public engagement. These could be particularly valuable for projects not yet built or located in remote areas.

  • NFT architecture: Emerging concepts like "NFT houses" link physical structures with unique digital tokens on blockchain platforms. This opens possibilities for fractional ownership, virtual experiences, and enhanced security for property records.

Arguments against architecture as a digital asset:

  • Physical foundation: Ultimately, architecture manifests in the physical world, requiring construction materials and real-world processes. While digital representations are crucial, they are not the sole element defining the asset.

  • Limited tradability: Compared to purely digital assets like NFTs, trading entire buildings remains a complex and lengthy process involving legal and practical considerations beyond digital exchanges.

  • Uniqueness and context: Architectural projects are often site-specific and integrate with their surroundings. While digital representations can capture their essence, the full value of the asset often resides in its physical manifestation and context.

Further considerations:

  • The role of technology: Advancements in digital fabrication, virtual reality, and the metaverse might further blur the lines between physical and digital in architecture, potentially increasing the value of digital representations as assets.

  • Sustainability and data ownership: Concerns surrounding environmental impact and ownership of architectural data need careful consideration as the role of digital assets in architecture evolves.

  • Ethical implications: New concepts like NFT houses raise questions about accessibility, inclusivity, and potential speculation in the future of architectural ownership.

In conclusion, whether architecture can be considered a digital asset is a complex and evolving question with no definitive answer. It depends on your specific perspective, the type of architectural element you're considering, and the future trajectory of technology and its impact on the built environment. As the realm of architecture continues to innovate and integrate with digital technologies, further exploration and discussion are crucial to navigating the potential role of digital assets in this fascinating field.

Integrate AI Art/Architecture with Crypto/Bitcoin Business

Integrating the business of AI art and AI architecture with crypto or Bitcoin can be an exciting and innovative approach, opening up new avenues for monetization, community engagement, and creative exploration. Here are some potential ways to achieve this:


Monetization through Crypto:

  • NFT marketplaces: Sell AI-generated art and architecture designs as NFTs on dedicated platforms like OpenSea, SuperRare, or Rarible. This allows for unique ownership of digital assets, attracting collectors and investors within the crypto community.

  • Tokenized access: Create your own token or use existing cryptocurrencies to grant access to exclusive AI art galleries, architectural visualizations, or personalized design services. This can build a loyal community and generate recurring revenue.

  • Fractional ownership: Enable fractional ownership of high-value AI artworks or architectural designs through platforms like Fractional or DAOSquare. This allows wider participation and democratizes access to valuable assets.

  • Crypto donations and patronage: Accept crypto donations or crowdfunding initiatives for your AI art and architecture projects. This allows for flexible funding and connects with communities passionate about supporting creative endeavors.


Community Engagement and Building:

  • DAO-powered collaboration: Establish a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) where crypto token holders can participate in decision-making, curate art exhibitions, or fund new AI projects. This fosters community ownership and engagement.

  • Play-to-earn and gamified experiences: Develop interactive experiences where users contribute to AI art generation or collaboratively design architectures, earning crypto rewards or tokenized benefits in the process. This gamifies engagement and incentivizes participation.

  • Crypto-powered voting and feedback: Use crypto-based voting systems to gather community feedback on new AI art creations or architectural designs. This ensures democratic participation and incorporates community preferences.

  • Virtual exhibitions and events: Host interactive virtual exhibitions and events within metaverse platforms like Decentraland or The Sandbox. This allows for immersive experiences and connects with a global crypto-savvy audience.


Creative Exploration and Innovation:

  • AI-generated NFTs with dynamic features: Utilize AI to create dynamic NFTs that evolve or change over time based on real-world data or user interaction. This adds a new layer of engagement and novelty to digital art.

  • AI-assisted architectural design tools: Develop AI-powered tools that assist architects in generating innovative and sustainable designs, while allowing for user input and creative control. This democratizes access to sophisticated design tools.

  • Generative art projects on the blockchain: Explore using blockchain technology to store and track the evolution of AI-generated artworks, creating unique records of the creative process and ownership history.

  • Collaborative AI art experiences: Develop platforms where multiple users can co-create AI art pieces in real-time, fostering collaboration and pushing the boundaries of creative expression.


Remember: Integrating AI art and architecture with crypto requires careful consideration of technical feasibility, legal compliance, and market demand. Conducting thorough research, building a strong team with expertise in both fields, and engaging with the crypto community are crucial for success.

I hope these ideas inspire you to explore the exciting possibilities of merging AI art and architecture with the power of crypto and blockchain technology. Feel free to ask any further questions or share your own creative ideas for leveraging this emerging space!

How to create your own Token?

Creating an ERC-20 memecoin is faster than making a LinkedIn post. 

Time for everyone to have a token with their own name?  - Aram Mughalyan




How can I deliver values and utility in NFT art?

Delivering value and utility in NFT art goes beyond just creating visually appealing images. It's about building a meaningful connection with your audience and offering them unique benefits beyond mere ownership of the digital asset. Here are some strategies to consider:


1. Intrinsic Value:

  • Artistic merit: Ensure your art has strong artistic merit and resonates with your target audience. Invest in your skills, explore unique styles, and experiment with creativity to stand out in the crowded NFT space.

  • Storytelling and narrative: Embed a compelling story or narrative within your art, adding depth and emotional connection for collectors. Consider creating series, interconnected pieces, or utilizing augmented reality (AR) to expand the narrative experience.

  • Rarity and exclusivity: Create limited-edition pieces or offer tiered rarity levels within your collection, adding value through scarcity and exclusivity. This incentivizes collecting and can lead to increased demand.


2. Utility and Benefits:

  • Community access: Grant NFT holders access to exclusive communities, like Discord servers or private events, fostering meaningful connections and building a loyal fanbase.

  • Digital and physical rewards: Offer additional digital assets, unlockable content, early access to future projects, or even physical merchandise to NFT holders. This adds tangible value and incentivizes ownership.

  • Voting and governance: Empower NFT holders with voting rights on future projects, product development, or community decisions. This fosters engagement and creates a sense of ownership within the ecosystem.


3. Collaboration and Partnerships:

  • Brand collaborations: Partner with brands or other artists to create co-branded NFTs, leveraging their existing audience and offering unique value propositions.

  • Utility partnerships: Collaborate with platforms or services to offer exclusive benefits to NFT holders, like discounts on specific products, access to curated experiences, or participation in online contests.

  • Metaverse integration: Design your NFTs for integration with metaverse platforms, allowing ownership of virtual land, avatars, or access to exclusive events within the metaverse.



  • Focus on your audience: Understanding your target audience's interests and preferences is crucial for tailoring your value proposition and ensuring your NFTs resonate with them.

  • Don't just promise, deliver: Be transparent about the utility you offer and ensure consistent delivery of promised benefits. Building trust and exceeding expectations is key to long-term success.

  • Adapt and evolve: The NFT landscape is constantly changing. Be open to adapting your strategies and exploring new ways to deliver value as the market evolves.

By putting these strategies into action, you can go beyond simply creating beautiful art and craft NFTs that offer genuine value and utility, leading to a more sustainable and engaging experience for both you and your collectors.

The most powerful tool to create & manage every aspect of your NFT or Tokenization project. -

Are AI-Based Stablecoins Shape the Future of Cryptocurrencies?

Read here

Crypto Scam Coins - Token Sniffer &

How do you know which smart contracts allow you to pull your money out? I have invested in some coins that block you from cashing out. Tokens in the crypto world has spurred a demand for tools enabling traders and investors to identify potential scam tokens.

How to Use Token Sniffer and DEXTools Crypto Data Aggregator for Fast Sniff Test?

Giving prompt to existing image

You can unload the photo to copilot, ai assistant of Microsoft and ask it to describe the picture, it will give you a pretty close prompt that you modified to your likeness.

AI Tools

Create Beautiful Presentations With These 12 AI Tools - Adam B

Peer to peer self custody between two non-regulated persons.

In peer-to-peer (P2P) self-custody between two non-regulated persons, you're dealing with the direct exchange and holding of an asset without involving a regulated third party like a bank, brokerage, or custodian.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects:

  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P): The transaction happens directly between two individuals, bypassing any intermediary.

  • Self-Custody: Each person holds their own asset, responsible for its safekeeping and management. This could involve storing digital assets in a personal wallet or physical assets like cash or precious metals in secure storage.

  • Non-regulated Persons: Neither the buyer nor the seller is a licensed financial institution or operates under regulations governing financial transactions.

Examples of P2P Self-Custody:

  • Selling a used camera to a friend for cash.

  • Transferring cryptocurrency directly from one digital wallet to another.

Important Considerations:

  • Security: The responsibility for securing the asset falls entirely on the individuals involved. This can be risky, especially with digital assets like cryptocurrencies, where losing access to your private key could mean losing your holdings forever.

  • Legality: Depending on the asset and the location, there could be legal or tax implications associated with P2P transactions. It's important to research the relevant regulations beforehand.

  • Dispute Resolution: If a disagreement arises during the transaction, there's no central authority to mediate. Resolving disputes can be challenging.

P2P self-custody can potentially offer benefits like:

  • Lower fees: Avoiding intermediary fees associated with using regulated services.

  • Faster transactions: Direct transfers can be quicker than those involving third parties.

  • Greater control: Individuals have complete control over their assets.

However, the risks and complexities involved make it unsuitable for everyone. Here are some things to consider before engaging in P2P self-custody:

  • Your risk tolerance: How comfortable are you with managing the security of your assets?

  • Value of the asset: Is the value of the asset worth the potential risks involved?

  • Legal and regulatory landscape: Understand the relevant laws and regulations in your area.

Crypto Exchange Without KYC


Crypto Exchanges Without KYC. How to Find a Privacy-Friendly Cryptocurrency Exchange? - Coinpaper


Exchange, Decentralized


Bisq uses escrow accounts to prevent a bank from seeing where a money is actually going or coming from. 

Buy and sell bitcoin for fiat (or other cryptocurrencies) privately and securely using Bisq's peer-to-peer network and open-source desktop software. No registration required. -


Entrepreneur Startup


Harvard University published this entrepreneur’s handbook for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows - Ruben

I've built an 8 figure holding company with $0 of outside capital called Late Checkout. Today, I’ll share our playbook: - Greg

7 essential tools to secure BTC wallets:

99% of crypto users risk their crypto to hacks due to poor wallet hygiene.
Here are 7 essential tools everyone needs to secure their wallets:


1. Create a secure multi-sig wallet with Safe
  Use it for the crypto that you are holding in the long term.
  It acts as a secure banking vault requiring several wallets (private keys) to authorize any transaction.
  So even if one of the wallets gets compromised, your funds are still safe.
2. Get a cold wallet like Ledger or Trezor
  Hot wallets like Metamask that are always connected to the internet are much riskier.
  Get a cold wallet that's not connected to the Internet and use it as a secure storage for your assets.
  It can also act as one of the wallets for your multi-sig.
3. Delegate authority of your multi-sig or cold wallet with Delegate (.xyz)
  NEVER use your secure multi-sig or cold wallet to interact with suspicious protocols.
  Always use a new risky wallet for that.
  And delegate the authority of your safe multi-sig/cold wallet to this risky wallet in case you need to claim an airdrop or mint an NFT.
4. Remove unlimited token spend approvals with Revoke (.cash)
  Many DeFi protocols ask for unlimited token spend approvals.
  So if the protocol gets compromised, your wallet can be drained.
  Review and remove any unnecessary approvals granted in the past.
5. Use a portfolio tracker like DeBank or CoinStats to monitor your DeFi positions
  Track all your on chain activity in DeFi in one place
  Spot any suspicious or unusual on-chain activity early on and take action.
6. Use Wallet Guard to preview your transactions
  Preview all transactions and understand what exactly you are approving.
7. Exercise caution and NEVER do any of the following:
  - Download any suspicious files sent on Telegram/social media DMs
  - Click on any Airdrop announcement/crypto winning emails
  - Use weak and easy-to-guess passwords
Use these tools and best practices to secure your crypto wallets against hacks and phishing scams.

Credit: Aram Mughalyan

AI Solo Unicorn:

While it's certainly more common for startups to have multiple founders, a single person can definitely become a unicorn with an AI-powered business.

Here's why:

  • Focus and Vision: Solo founders can have a clear, singular vision for their AI solution and complete control over decision-making, potentially leading to a more agile and focused company.

  • Bootstrapping Potential: Starting solo allows for bootstrapping, meaning you can build a prototype and gain traction without initial funding. This can be advantageous as you retain full ownership.

  • Attracting Talent: A compelling vision and a strong initial product can attract talented individuals to join your venture later, building a strong team as your company grows.

Here are some strategies to increase your chances of success as a solo AI founder:

  • Focus on a niche market: By targeting a specific problem with your AI solution, you can become a recognized expert in that area, making it easier to attract customers and build a reputation.

  • Develop strong business skills: While technical skills are crucial, understand the business side of things too. Learn about marketing, sales, and fundraising to navigate the commercial aspects of your venture.

  • Build a network: Connect with other entrepreneurs, investors, and experts in the AI field. This network can provide valuable advice, potential partnerships, and future funding opportunities.

  • Consider outsourcing: As your workload increases, outsource tasks like design, development, and marketing to free up your time for core strategic decisions.

Examples of Successful Solo AI Founders:

  • Aaron Levie (Box, cloud content management)

  • Melanie Perkins (Canva, graphic design platform)

  • Kevin Systrom (Instagram, social media platform)

Remember, the journey to becoming a unicorn is challenging for any founder, solo or otherwise. But with a strong idea, dedication, and the power of AI, it's a possibility to strive for!


Absolutely! An AI-powered startup has a strong chance of becoming a unicorn (a privately held company valued at over $1 billion). Here's why:

  • AI's Disruptive Potential: Artificial intelligence can revolutionize industries by automating tasks, improving efficiency, and offering data-driven insights. This can lead to rapid growth and significant market disruption, attracting investors.

  • Addressing Real-World Problems: Successful AI startups typically focus on solving specific pain points in an industry. By offering innovative solutions with AI, they create a strong value proposition, making them attractive to customers and investors alike.

  • Scalability and Automation: AI solutions are often highly scalable. Once developed, an AI system can be easily deployed to serve a large number of users, leading to rapid growth with minimal additional resources.

Here are some ways a guy (or anyone!) can become a unicorn with an AI-powered startup:

  • Identify a problem: Find a real challenge faced by a specific industry or market segment.

  • Develop an AI-powered solution: Use AI to create a product or service that addresses the identified problem in a unique and effective way.

  • Build a strong team: Surround yourself with talented individuals who understand AI, the target market, and business development.

  • Focus on user needs: Continuously gather user feedback and iterate on your AI solution to ensure it meets their evolving needs.

  • Seek funding: With a well-defined problem, a compelling solution, and a strong team, you can attract investors who believe in your vision.

Here are some examples of AI-powered unicorns:

  • Databricks (cloud computing and data services)

  • OpenAI (generative AI research)

  • Palantir (data analytics)

Remember, the journey to becoming a unicorn is challenging, but with a great idea, a dedicated team, and the power of AI, it's definitely achievable.

working on cool things... we're still in MVP phase... lots of early users (260,000). DM me if you want to try anything (and I'll send a stripe code)

Enabling anyone to build their AI workforce. Scale your team with compute, not headcount.

no code platform for easily building AI agents (chatbots that can interact with the outside world) and complete tasks for you.


As if VFX studios and 3D animators are not already having a hard enough time, LivePortrait is a portrait animation AI algorithm that remaps video onto a still image.

MagicAnimate: Bringing static images to life

Cold Wallets:

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