top of page - 15 Reasons Why Creative People Are The Best And Hardest People To Love

" When it comes to loving and dating creative people, the reality usually lives up to the expectation — for better or for worse. We creative people (whether that means someone who is creative for a living, like me, or just identifies that way by nature) are at the apex of romantic human types. We invented the damn game. We're intuitive and aesthetically aware; we're mindful and soft. We can write poetry about our coffee in the morning (even if we're too cool for something that cheesy, which I am not). Creative people are the ones with whom you will build the biggest, brightest love you've ever imagined, that will blind the people around you with its awesomeness. But the brutal reality is that, despite this, we're somehow also the most difficult people to actually get into relationships with, and sometimes even more challenging to stay in a happy relationship with. So here, the 15 reasons why creative people are the best and hardest people to love — and hardest people to fall in love with. " - BRIANNA WIEST - Read Full Article


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