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Domain Brokerage

" We love to sell your premium names. Email us! " - Raymond Chai and Billionaire.Property offer private domain brokerage services for domain owners of keyword premium domain names. We are seeking mid to top valued .com and gTLD domain names for our private brokerage service.


We are surrounded with talented artistic people; we are the amazing group of creative, imaginative and innovative professionals in the domain name industry. We use our knowledge, experience and expertise in domain sales to appropriately market your domain names.


We will do domain listings on social network sites such as Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook; online marketing, direct emails to reach the potential buyers, negotiate the price, secure payment and ensure a seamless domain transfer.


Some of the top domains we are currently brokering are,,, LA.Casino,, Gemstones.Diamonds , Poker.MBA , , Chat.Credit , etc.


We accept quality .com and gTLD extentions. We charge 18% brokerage commission when domains are officially sold.


Please Contact us today if you have quality domain names that you are interested to put on market.

"New top-level domains are going to be the digital real estate of the future." - Robert Bruce



"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." - Mae West





"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein, physicist.









“Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.” - Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter.









“Creativity is a drug I cannot live without” – Cecil B. DeMille








“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people” – Leo Burnett







"...choosing a relevant domain extension can potentially help a website rank well for specific keywords, resulting in dollars saved on paid marketing." - Robert Bruce



" I'm hardly alone in paying a premium for an exact-match new domain; others are being sold for five or six figures each, including Video.Games for $183,000 and  PersonalInjury.Attorney for $60,000" - Robert Bruce

"I feel that building-out a business on top of a brandable domain is where the real value is right now, and the right domain name can represent a huge amount of the equity in your particular business." - Robert Bruce
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