top of page - 50 starchitect-led projects that will transform NYC’s skyline

" Starchitecture is alive and well in New York City—it seems like every week brings more buildings designed by big-name architects, or developments that will have a transformative effect on the city's skyline. (Who even knew what a courtscraper was a few years ago?) And there've been some major changes in the two years since we last surveyed the starchitecture landscape in NYC: Some buildings have wrapped up; some big-name firms have announced their first contributions to the city (OMA, we're looking at you); and others are, sadly, no longer with us. (RIP, Zaha.) All of that makes now the perfect time to look at what's changed, and what buzzy projects will dominate the skyline in the years to come. " - AMY PLITT, ZOE ROSENBERG, AND TANAY WARERKAR - Read Full Article is available for your architecture business.

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